Gosh you guys, I feel terrible for the delay in sharing these results. I paused nearly everything to spend time with my dad before he passed away. I’m finally getting my feet back on the ground and taking steps forward, and it feels nice.
It is SUPER important to me to share the results of the reader survey. I’m humbled so many of you took the time to complete it! Thank you so, so much!!
There were 10 questions in the survey, I wanted to keep it easy! I learned so much from you! Here’s the feedback you gave:
How Old Are You?

How Long Have You Been Reading brittanyMakes?

To anyone who’s reading at all, thank you! And I wish I could give all of those who have been here longer than 3 years a giant hug! And anyone still reading “since the beginning”, I probably know where you live haha. Hi Mom!
What’s Your Household Income?

This is really valuable information to me! I see it as folks from all income brackets can gain value from my home renovation journey, and my designs, and basically my overall vibe here.
How do you like to spend your free cash?

I’m actually surprised that vacations/travel is so high! I am married to someone who only likes to vacation to Disneyland haha. If I were to fill this out myself I think the chart would look nearly identical, so this is good! We’re still on the same page here!
Which kind of posts would you enjoy reading?

Roundups, wow! Definitely taking notes from these results. I read a lot of blogs and sometimes get overwhelmed with the amount of content that is nearly the same from blog to blog. I’ll give roundup’s a shot because they certainly are fun and I’m always looking for unique pieces for my own home! Also noted – design related content is your jam!
How do you prefer to read blog posts?

This was one of those questions I wanted to ask to compare against my own blog reading habits. I also read blogs from my smartphone! I used to read more from my computer when I had a desk job.
How do you get to our site?

The swipe-up feature in Instagram Stories is a game changer to share posts with your followers. But even myself as a blog reader, I don’t rely solely on Stories. I mean, what if I am not on Instagram that day? I also subscribe to blogs through Feedly and read them there, but lots of folks use Blog Lovin.
What are your favorite blogs to read (apart from this one of course!)
Here are the top 10 blogs you read! (All of these are in my top faves too!)
- Emily Henderson
- Chris Loves Julia
- Studio McGee
- Young House Love
- Yellow Brick Home
- Little Green Notebook (Now Juniper Home!)
- A Cup of Jo
- Sarah Sherman Samuel
- Amber Interiors/All Sorts Of
- Manhattan Nest
How likely are you to recommend this blog to a friend?

Ahh! I have work to do with this one. I’d love for my site to be better recommended to friends and family! But a 7.75 isn’t too bad. Thank you for your honesty!

And now, the winner of our Moroccan Blanket Giveaway! Dana – you’ve won! Check your email!