Happy New Year folks! I thought I’d find time sooner to write this post, but here in baby land time flies at warp speed and all of a sudden it’s the 10th day of 2017 and I haven’t yet ordered our holiday cards. Oops. New Year cards for the win!

I’m excited about 2017. I honestly don’t know what this year will bring. I’m approaching this year exactly how I like to approach a new movie, by walking into the theater with an open mind, without knowing anything about the movie or being spoiled in any way. Ha! It’s nearly impossible to do but it’s fun to try. It’s the element of surprise that I like most when watching a new movie, and walking into the new year this way feels about right.
I created a short list of personal aspirations for this new year, nothing crazy like working out 7 days a week or overly concrete like reaching a numerical social following. Nah, this year I want to make decisions/changes/aspirations that will become part of my lifestyle, like: take more family photos, and choose my words more wisely – especially around my kids. Nothing like hearing your 2.5 y/o kid say the S word to get you to reflect on your vocabulary. I want our little family to have more adventures together, whether it be a vacation or a trip to the zoo. With two overly working parents, it’s hard to find the energy to do when all you’d like to do is chillax on the weekends. It’s a lot easier to throw on a movie and veg on the sofa than it is to drive your toddler and infant 3 hours to the snow, but I’m determined to do it before I go back to work!
I also created a short list of business/blog related aspirations for this new year. I want to be more open in my posts. I’m an introvert (INFJ) and lean towards more concise sharing and storytelling by nature. This is a little ambiguous now, but I have an idea of how I’d like to work on this aspiration. We’ll see how it goes! I want to continue to blend the shop side with the blog side of this site, and am toying with a new post ‘series’ idea. I use the term ‘series’ lightly, as I know I’m not one who is able to commit & follow through with a scheduled post series. And most of you know me pretty well – I don’t write fluff posts. I post when I’m most inspired and have good stuff to share!
Part of me wishes I had a lengthly list of home projects to tackle this year, while the other part of me is happy our home projects are nearly finished! If we’re talking about wishes here, I’d love to paint the exterior of our home this year, and I’d kill to get our laundry “situation” under control. The one official project we’re taking on is our fireplace, which is inches from being completed as we speak. Now that miss Mara’s nap times are more under control, carving out more blog time is high on my priority list.
I always try to tackle my new year the same way. Hope it will be a good one for you. Happy New Year!