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Displaying 61 Posts categorized under ME

Livingroom inspiration: world traveler

We have a few weeks before we get the keys to our new place, but that hasn't stopped me us from brainstorming decor ideas for each room!  Like most guys, my BF is all about comfort and utility.  Is the couch comfortable? Is there a shelf for my PS3? Is …

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what’s new?

Hello! I have a bunch of little things going on at the moment, so today I decided to write a post about all those little things! First things first – I opened a Twitter account! YIKES, I know.  I thought I would never take the plunge – that I would …

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We finally found a place!

The hunt is over! We finally found the perfect place! It's big and bright and airy, a little industrial-feeling, crisp white walls, and super pet friendly!  Here are some sneak-peek photos I took while we were signing the lease…     A big guest bedroom! Aka man cave.      …

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apartment hunting is tough

Apartment hunting is tough. It forces you to rank and prioritize various features and amenities to fit your budget and your needs.  Some amenities you swear you'd never give up, like a dish washer. But then you find yourself choosing between a place with no dishwasher, or coin laundry.  Uggggghh, …

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welcome home Roc!

I feel like this last week has been a bit weird.  Lots of rain, late work nights, all day training classes at work, and my pup Rocco has been away at the breeder's house for the last 8 days… trying to make puppies.  Yikes! TMI? Sorry… but how cute do …

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Branding Jane Reaction
Site Design Saturday Studio
Development Alchemy + Aim