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Displaying 150 Posts categorized under home decor

I Spy a DIY – #15

Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I ate a lot of Italian food this weekend, feasted at Il Vecchio, my favorite Italian restaurant in the entire universe.  Did you know, the fabulous Ariele of BrooklyntoWest designed the entire restaurant, from scratch?! I want to kiss her feet, …

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mystery project sneak peek

I've been working on a bunch of things, as usual, which is good!  However, the consequence to that is one single project takes longer to complete and I have nothing to share! {waaah}.  I admit, I have DIY ADD, and it's so hard to manage! I can't sit and focus …

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I had to do it

We love our loft.  It has so much "character", as we like to say, and so much "potential", as our family likes to say.  There are many quirky things about our loft that we've learned to embrace – one door has trim while the other does not, there are no …

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first things first

What's the first thing you unpack when you move to a new place? Is it your TV, your dishes or flatware, or perhaps your closet?  I know for my BF the first thing he unpacked was his Playstation.  Second, the controllers.   The first thing I must unpack and put …

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How to sew a bolster pillow cover

Hello! I have another sewing project to share today, as if I didn't sew enough in the last few weeks!  The back story to this project is I'm remodeling our bedding for our new place, and the bed needs a bolster pillow! I decided I'd sew my own cover, (since …

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Branding Jane Reaction
Site Design Saturday Studio
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