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Displaying 131 Posts categorized under DIY

nominate your favorite DIY blog!

I still consider myself a very newbie DIY blogger, which is totally cool and I have zero qualms over it.  It keeps me going, actually, to continue to work on my skills and take on new projects.  I'm learning all sorts of things for the first time, like where to …

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How to Create a Chevron Print using Photoshop Elements

I think it’s safe to say – everyone loves the classic chevron zig-zag print.  Am I wrong? Some of you may be “tired” of seeing it everywhere, and it might be approaching it’s overuse, but I don’t see it going away any time soon.  

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pouf tutorial! the West Elm pouf hack

West Elm has tempted me on more than one occasion, first it was their papier mache wildebeest heads… now, it’s their floor poufs. Unfortunately, their prices are devastating – $249 for the patterned poufs or $219 for the striped pouf.  Sorry, I just can’t justify spending that much on a …

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gild a chair in gold!

It all started with a trip to the thrift store… Don’t you feel like all your posts and projects start out this way? You’re on you’re way home, innocently driving past your neighborhood thrift store, when you suddenly realize it’s been a while (a day? a week? a month?) since …

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easy-sew throw pillows

I’ve been on a DIY rampage this week, probably because my BF’s gone to India for work and I have all this me-time on my hands.  Guaranteed my roommates think I’m crazy, and that they’ll come home one day to metallic spray painted dogs.  What? I would never do that, …

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Branding Jane Reaction
Site Design Saturday Studio
Development Alchemy + Aim