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Displaying 8 Posts categorized under backyard

My Backyard (according to my phone)

We’ve been working on our backyard these last few weeks, nearly every chance we get. I hear a few of you shout “show us the after already!” which I totally get. Trust me, I’ve been waiting way too long to share! Let’s begin with our turf. I’ve received a lot …

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Finishing touches on our Backyard

It was about this time last year when my husband and I started planning our backyard renovation. Our backyard used to be a dirt wasteland (you can check out all the before photos here) and desperately needed some love. We completed all of the hardscape and turf, just a day before …

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Let me introduce you to our Backyard

Here is our back yard. Our back yard at it’s original state, I should say. Is it even fair to call it a yard? There are better terms that could describe this space: waste land, dirt pit, the place where dreams go to die. This wasn’t our favorite spot in …

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