Remember when we renovated our master suite?? (see before/after here). When designing the floorpan, we opted to give this room the master bath footprint it deserved! A larger bathroom is a must-have for my husband and I, and we can’t wait to get it finished to fully enjoy it!
The result of our decision to make the bathroom footprint larger created an awkward space on the opposite side of the bathroom. Initially I was unsure how to design around this space. Sadly it’s too narrow for a king bed and nightstands. After a little brainstorming it became clear this space was the perfect size for a sofa! We could create our own little reading nook in our master bedroom! Maybe we could hang a TV on that wall and have ourselves a private mini living room!

I went on the prowl for a sofa and after searching what felt like the depths of the internet, I landed on the Darryl Carter Milling Road sofa from Perigold! I love this sofa so much!! It’s clean lines, modern profile, and looong down-filled bench cushion is what stopped me in my tracks. I ordered fabric samples, (which were offered at the time), and chose the warmer ivory linen fabric for the sofa. (Sadly this sofa is no longer available through Perigold, another source is linked at the bottom of this post).
Creating a mood board is one of my go-to design processes to make sure a space feels cohesive before committing to an investment piece. Did you know you can easily create a mood board exactly like this in Powerpoint?? Hot tip! You don’t need to learn a fancy design software to accomplish this!

I took some quick photos of the space (seen above) after playing around with some placeholder pieces. I received a new shipment of rugs yesterday for the shop, and the rug from the design board above is here! Additionally, I ordered a second safari chair, since in person only one chair seemed sparse. Check back soon because the official finished reveal of our master suite reading nook is coming!
You did a fabulous job! Does this sofa come in other lengths? It is so stunning but I need something in the 6 1/2 foot range. I think this one measures 82″?
Thank you! I think this sofa is only one-size. It’s such a good design it would be a shame if it wasn’t offered in more sizes!
Thank you for the PowerPoint tip! I am currently spending my Saturday night making mood boards. Excited to see the final reading nook.