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  • First Ever Reader Survey! + Moroccan Blanket GIVEAWAY!

    After more than 7 years blogging, I have never done a reader survey. I have usually just blogged about whatever the heck I wanted, or whatever project we’ve been working on. The blog has always been an extension of myself, a way to call a friend and share what’s new. But this year my goal is to level-up the content, provide more of what you love to read about, and hopefully bring us closer in the process! We are friends after all! I value your input and hope you can help me create a site that is better than ever!

    I created a 10 question survey (which should only take you 3 minutes to complete!), which will help me learn a little bit about you, what you love to read about, what some new content ideas that may be interesting to you. If you feel I’ve left anything out, please feel free to leave more notes in the comment section of this post!

    Click here to take the survey!


    I’m sweetening up the pot with a Moroccan blanket giveaway from my shop! Complete the survey and enter your email to win our coveted queen sized Atlas Tassel Blanket in Sky blue.

    Thank you and good luck!

    1. Entered! I am so glad you are focusing on your blog this year, Brittany! I have always loved the content you’ve created, it is so valuable (+ beautiful!)

      Also, crossing my fingers for that beautiful blanket!


    2. About the survey–I just wanted to note here, because there was no function for me to do it on the survey–that my response about how likely I am to recommend your blog to someone else was low for a simple reason: my friends don’t read blogs.

      1. Ha! That makes sense! And thank you for the clarity, I didn’t consider that when developing the question. Have a great weekend!

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