New Rug Arrivals are in. Check out what's new!
  • Five Things Friday


    I don’t know about you, but I am happy to see May go. May kicked my BUTT, and I’m looking forward to some normality in my schedule.

    We concluded a hellish month with a 3 day weekend, which we celebrated my son turning 3 (!!!) and my husband graduating with his MBA (!!!). We had a super hero themed party, go figure, but I think I won mom of the year as Spider-Man made an appearance! My younger brother dressed as Spider-Man (this costume!) and boy did he deliver! If you caught my Instagram stories you saw him leap and bound from table to table, putting a goofy grin on everyone’s faces. For party favors, we gave away these costumes to the boys and these costumes to the girls. Easy success!

    spiderman birthday party

    How do you balance stressful weeks? Lately I’ve found myself decompressing with in-person retail therapy (versus online shopping which is usually my go-to). The change of scenery by physically being in a store rather than perusing a dozen tabs in your browser has been a great way to reset for the weekend. Anyway, my most recent and favorite find is this boxy ruffle top. I loved the top so much I also bought in beige! #uniform

    Speaking of uniform, I’ve quickly added these blush slip on sneakers to my wardrobe, anything to make these short legs of mine look taller.

    I’ve been researching faux fiddle leaf fig trees for my brother and sister-in-law’s living room project I’m working on – faux because I can’t bring myself to confidently recommend a real fiddle with to a household who is unfamiliar with a fiddle’s temperament. We all know it – they’re such a pain!  In our area a 6′ tree would be about $250, and I just found an extremely realistic 6′ faux fiddle leaf tree for under $200 and had to share it!

    Did you catch the latest batch of rugs and pillows? We listed over a dozen new items in the shop, go check out what’s new! Inventory is displayed on the shop page with the newest items listed first.

    What do you have planned for the weekend? I plan to chill out, maybe hit up the flea, and definitely take my cracked screen to the Apple store to get fixed. Have a great weekend folks!

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