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  • Five Things Friday – how I “do it all”

    cowhide chair & vintage rug

    I felt like mixing up today’s Friday post from my usual 5 things. I’ve been receiving common questions lately surrounding my schedule, like ‘how do you do it all?’, which I never really considered would be interesting to outsiders. I try to go through every day balancing the things I want and love to do (being a mom, social media, blog/shop, & design!) with the things I have to do (my day job, chores, exercise, etc). I juggle a bunch of things that I suppose not everyone juggles, and unintentionally has become something mysterious about me. That being said, I want to share with you 5 things I specifically do which helps me to juggle all the things:

    1) I stopped cooking. This is perhaps the most life changing thing I’ve done, and I actually feel great about it – here me out! Cooking dinner every night was always a chore for me, it led to stress over meal planning and frustration over dirty dishes that I could never keep up with.  Now we cover Monday & Tuesday’s dinners with Methodology (not sponsored!), make a crock pot meal on Wednesday (enough to eat left-overs on Thursday), which leaves Friday open to grab something light with the fam – which 9 times out of 10 is Chipotle.  Eliminating weekday cooking has made me a much happier person, not to mention I get to spend more time with my kids before they go to bed.

    2) I hired a seamstress. Another life changing move I’ve made! Hiring help to keep up with the growing demand for pillows from my Shop is one of the best things I’ve done. I know how to sew, and until March have been sewing all the pillows we’ve sold myself, but I could barely keep up and the time I was spending sewing pillows I can now spend on other things, like taking on client projects and growing the design side of the biz.

    Belgian linen pillows | The Vintage Rug Shop & Design Studio

    3) I utilize every ‘free’ minute of the day. I’m not joking, every free minute in my day is being used for something. I now commute to/from work by train at least 2 hours a day, which is when I spend time on social media or doing research for client projects, basically anything I can do on my phone I do while I’m commuting to/from work. during my lunch hour I’m either reading blogs, taking client calls, or do more internet research/social media interaction while I stand in line at my favorite salad spot.

    4) My husband and I tag-team. I know this isn’t a novel concept, but working together to schedule out our responsibilities has really helped us juggle all the things we juggle. Apart from everything else, I still need to work on this post-baby bod, and exercise is so challenging to fit into my schedule. My husband picks up the kids from daycare 2 days a week so I can leave work a little early (like 5pm) to go for a 30 minute run. He gets to exercise the other 3 days a week, and on weekends we try to go for a long walk together.

    cute kids on vintage rug

    5) I don’t sleep. I mean I get sleep, but I don’t sleep as much as I want to or should. I already don’t sleep because I have a 5 month old who still insists on being fed at 1am and 5am, but I’ve pushed my bedtime back to about 11pm, which allows me to do work after the kids go to bed while simultaneously watching whatever show my husband and I are into. Lately it’s Billions, and I’m counting down the days to House of Cards!

    So there you go. I never actually feel like I ‘do it all’, I mean, I barely blog post twice a week, I can barely keep up with house cleaning, and I barely wash my hair once a week, but making changes to the inefficiencies in my schedule has opened up more time to get to do more of what I love to do.  So tell me, what are some changes you’ve made personally to your schedule that has helped you?

    1. Girl, hire out the house cleaning. It’s by far the best money I spend every month. I live by myself with two big shedding dogs and felt guilty taking the plunge a few years back. No regrets! I might have to look into the no cooking thing. That’s something I loathe doing too!

    2. It’s good you make time for exercise for each other. Sound like you have a good team there. I have a 3 years old, work part time and try to grown my own business too. We used to fight like cats and dogs. Things are getting a bit easier with my son goes to nursery 2 and half days a week. I accept whatever help I can get (except from my own mum, she leaves quite far and it’s not always practical, plus I don’t always get on with her).

      We have one car(on purpose), I walk a lot, this way I get to keep 150 mins moderate exercise a week.

      I probably cook more than most people, cause I want to eat healthy, which isn’t always easy eating out, but we do have ready meals/take away twice a week.

      I don’t do much cleaning (once a year for the most part).

      I almost don’t do ironing.

      I do a lot shopping online and get things delivered.

      Been following your site for a while this is my first time leaving a comment:)

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