Thank you for your overwhelming support for my thoughts to expand the shop! I’ll be listing a few of the art pieces I’ve been collecting hopefully next week, and adding more as my collection grows!
I’ve been growing my hair out for over a year, after chopping it off a-la Claire Underwood (which sounds so cute but long story short it ended up being a nightmare of an experience for me, and I still have post traumatic stress from it). Anyway, back to me growing out my hair – it’s at shoulder length now which is the length I reach before desperately wanting to cut it off again. While I wish it was shorter currently, I’m actually enjoying being able to tie it back easily! What a concept. I’m en route to a topknot and can’t wait :P
I made an important self discovery this week. This black sleeveless turtle neck + this navy blazer + these super high waisted denim = one awesome power outfit. I wore this ensemble to work on Wednesday and coworkers I haven’t even formally met yet were complementing the look. Its funny because I chose this outfit as a complete distraction to my unwashed hair, and it totally worked!
I’m forever hunting for the perfect shoes, and when I say perfect, they have to meet a few criteria: 1) are they cute? 2) do they make my (short) legs look longer? 3) could I walk 3 miles a day in them (which is what I’m currently doing as part of my daily work commute) 4) are they well made? If shoes don’t satisfy these requirements, I don’t keep them, and when I find ones that check all the boxes, I feel implored to share! You guys, these suede flats have risen to become my second favorite pair of shoes I own (with these flats you always see me in being first).

We visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium last weekend and had more fun than I expected! Something about visiting with an almost 3 year old who is so enthralled with animal life that makes it much more fun. My personal favorite are the jellies and the sharks.
Have a great weekend everyone!