A handcrafted latte has been my coffee drink of choice lately, and I conveniently stumbled on the coolest coffee shop/bar by my work. I mean, check out those copper wrapped counters and aqua green arabesque tiles!
Speaking of green, you’ll catch me wearing this on St. Patty’s day (in olive green, of course)
Do you guys shop on Chairish? I do. It’s such a great source for vintage items. Did you hear about new the “view in my space” feature of their app? You can literally “try on” any item for sale in your own home. The app uses augmented reality (which IS the future btw) to legitimately visualize an item in you’re own home. I can’t wait to try it out!

You guys. Do you SEE this photo? One of our most favorite carpets ever in the home of @realities_past. I couldn’t picture a better spot for this rug. Slow clap guys!
The other day I was thinking about our dinners and meal planning and meal services etc, trying to solve my family’s “dinner” problem. What’s our problem? Time. Our time is so valuable, every minute is prioritized and dinner planning and prep just doesn’t make the list of priorities. Our kids are our priority and providing for our household is priority. Being healthy is also a big priority so I refuse to eat frozen dinners or fast food or take-out, and I’m on a mission to find a meal service that better suites our family’s needs. We used to use Blue Apron (not sponsored) and had their meal service for a year. It was great! So delish! But it ended up not being the best solution for our family’s needs for a variety of reasons, the time it takes to prep being one of them. With two kids I just can’t spend 30 minutes chopping vegetables at 7pm, I’d much rather spend that time giggling and tickling and playing with them before they have to go to bed. I started thinking, there has to be a prepared meal delivery service out there that serves healthy foods! Something that gets delivered to my doorstep that I can cook/reheat when we’re ready to eat. You wouldn’t believe it but not a couple days later while scrolling my IG feed on the train home, I see a sponsored post from Methodology. I don’t even remember what caught my eye exactly, but this sponsored post did, and I clicked over! I added my name to their wait list so fast, and a week later a spot opened up and next week we’re getting our first few meals delivered. I’m beyond excited to try it out. Their menu looks incredible! They promise nourishing, whole ingredients; no refined sugar, no gluten, no preservatives – a meal a mom can be proud of to feed to her children, and husband :) Anyway, Ill report back once we’ve had a go with them for a few weeks :)
Have a great weekend everyone!