Hello! Happy holidays everyone! December has been an exhaustingly spectacular month, easy to say we closed the year with a bang. Our daughter was born on 12/2, we named her Mara Olivia Chinaglia (pronounced ‘key-nal-ia’, those Italians don’t make things easy lol…). Mara is seriously the sweetest little lady. Becoming a family of four is surreal and so incredible, I can’t believe we’ve done it! It wasn’t very log ago I used to dream of the family we would create, and here we are with two little beings in our arms. Well, Zano is not so little anymore! Nothing like bringing home an infant to get perspective on how giant your toddler actually is.

Don’t let that face fool you! Zano adores his baby sister, which we are so happy about. It melts our hearts thinking about the bond our two children will have for the rest of their lives.

(fireplace before)
Apart from bringing home a new human this month, we also started work on our fireplace! My husband and I have been dreaming and scheming this fireplace project for the last two years. It’s one of the last projects we want done in our home, and we’re so excited to finally get it done. My husband is home with me on paternity leave, so we took this as an opportunity to get the project knocked out while we’re both at home this month. Originally the work was scheduled to be finished last week, just before Christmas, so that we could possibly get a tree in before the holiday. Unfortunately things always come up during projects and it’s looking like we have a couple more weeks until all is said and done. Sadly, we weren’t able to get a Christmas tree this year, but my sister and bro in law came to the rescue and got one for us at their house! They’re the best. More to come on our fireplace soon! Check out behind the scenes action through our Instagram stories.
Our Christmas was so memorable, and I hope yours was too! Zano is at the perfect age where he actually ‘gets’ the whole Santa thing, and it truly is magical to experience the holiday through a 2.5 year old’s eyes.
We’re signing off for the rest of this week, getting ready to ring in the new year. The shop will be open though, 13 new rugs were listed last week! Although we probably won’t ship anything until next week.
Thank you for following along and cheers to the end of 2016! Thank you for making this year such a memorable one for us!
She is gorgeous! Many congratulations to you and your family. Be easy on yourself this year. Going from 1 to 2 is quite intense.
Mara is so adorable and Zano looks like such a proud big brother.