Alright folks, officially crown me as the worst interior blogger because here I am revealing a room 2 years late. 2 YEARS! My son Zano (pronounced “Z-on-o”, more about his name here in case you’re like ‘what kind of name is that’, lol) just turned 2 in May. Embarrassing delay, I tell you! in my defense, this was my first go with a nursery, and I barely had time to paint the walls before his arrival. That being said, the evolution of this room happened slow and purposeful.

Now that we’re expecting kid no. 2, we need to make some changes to this space to accommodate both kids. Our home is only 2 bedrooms, but luckily the bedrooms are both a good size, fitting 2 kiddos in one room won’t be an issue.

The chairs were the score of a lifetime, sourced by my blog bud Shavonda. I went through three rugs before finding “the one”, which was a lucky score from Flea Market Fab’s bi-weekly insta sale. I swear, the essence of the entire room is captured in this rug! The wildebeest head was one of the first things I ever purchased as a blogger, back when the paper mâché heads were the trend. He looks good there for now. The toy cubby was a Land of Nod hack I posted about last year. The crib is by Babyletto and sadly is no longer available, but this one is similar. And my favorite element – the 5 orb chandy! I worked with Sarah of LucentLightshop to design this chandelier when we were also designing the square orb chandelier for our kitchen (now also seen in Elsie Larson’s breakfast nook).

Sadly this room doesn’t get a lot of natural light. One of the changes I dream of making to this room is adding a second window to the crib’s wall, which faces the backyard. The window currently in this room is north facing and positioned in the small area between our house and our neighbor’s house. The north facing element greatly impacted what color we chose to paint the walls. We chose a dark color to embrace the drama that northern light usually places on a space. We tried white and grey, both looked too dingy. The navy on our walls is Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore. I’ll be carrying the navy theme over as we welcome a baby girl into this room. I think I have some great ideas for this soon to be co-ed space!

The globes are vintage except for the chalkboard globe, the little boy painting was a $5 flea market find, I loved these narwhals too much when I saw them and had to have them. Sadly I don’t see them online any longer. The leather baseball was a gift from my Aunt during her travels to Havana, Cuba. The wool rhino is perhaps the most adorable piggy bank in the entire world. The woven cord basket was a Target find 2 years ago. We have a matching one on the dresser which we use to hold diapers and wipes.

My goal is to continue to be purposeful as I consider the changes we need to make in this room to accommodate another kid. The dresser (another CraigsList score) is huge, and has been too much for one kid but will be perfect to fit clothing for two – it will most likely stay. We will be adding a big kid bed for Zano, switching up a few of the art pieces, and replacing the curtains with wood shutters. The rug will also stay.
So anyway, that’s Zano’s room as we knew it about two weeks ago! His big boy bed has arrived, and we’ve already started to shift things around as we gear up for our December baby.
If you have any tips on co-ed room sharing, please share!
xo, Brittany
Such a fun room! Can’t wait to see how you evolve it for baby #2!
amazing, brittany! can’t wait to see what happens!
Aw, thank you Cassie! xo
Hi Brittany,
Do you know what brand the dresser is? I’m trying to find it but only found a 3 drawer similar to yours.
Hey Daniela, it’s vintage and doesn’t have a maker stamp/mark. We found it on Craigslist and painted it white.
It’s so beautiful! Sophisticated but still fun. :)
I adore this room! It’s so perfect for your little guy!
Thank you Jennifer! xoxo
Hi there,
I’ve never commented on your blog before but feel compelled to disperse my two cents on room sharing. My sons are 2.5 years apart. We got the big boy bed before our second child arrived, although son #1 was not into it. At all. We waited until we needed the cot for son #2 (it went into storage for a month) before just taking it away.
Son 2 slept in the cot in our room until he was about 8 months old. I’d read about Joy Cho’s experience combining rooms on her blog (good read!) and had it in my mind that we’d be able to transition son 2 into the shared room around then. I was a bit nervous; he’d sleep through the night but would have a tough night about once a month where he’d be up and crying for a while. Ultimately we decided there would never be a perfect time to try it. We moved his cot into the room, gave son 1 about two days to adjust to it being there (son 2 slept in a portacot) and got a video baby monitor set up above the cot to ensure son 1 wasn’t climbing in. IT. TOTALLY. WORKS. I don’t know how, but they just sleep so well together. One will be crying about being put to bed and the other will fall asleep. Like, during the cry fest. Also they tend to sleep through mid night wake ups which don’t happen that often. We vary on putting them down together or separately depending on the day and what their needs. It doesn’t seem to bother either of them to have that part of it vary. I read a few things that urged us to put our older son down later but it’s just not practical.
They’ve been rooming together for about a month and it’s truly amazing. I can read in bed with a light on. I can talk to my husband in our bedroom at night. Incredible! The best part though is that the boys are closer. Son #1 is just so much nicer to son 2 and really loves his little bro!
I was so nervous but they really defied my expectations. Good luck with baby #2! And many congratulations Brittany!
Laurel! Thank you so much for sharing what works for you! This helps so I don’t stress too much about things like what time I should put them both down etc. My husband and I definitely value our own space, we don’t want to share a room with an infant for too long, and hope our son adjusts early to sharing a room. Thanks again!
The room feels so luxe and dreamy. I can’t wait to see what changes you make. :)
Love this room! I love how it doesn’t scream nursery and can grow with your kids.
maybe I missed it, but I would love to know where the mobile is from. I love the room and I am excited to see the girl touches added.
I’m excited for the girl’s side of the room too!!! The mobile was a DIY, you can find the tutorial here:
I am dying for that rug. Where can i get that one or the original bright red one you had on previous pics?
check out our shop! we have vintage rugs of similar style all the time
I love this room! It’s so cute I want to do something like this for my boy. I was curious where did you get the picture of the map from?
I found it at a thrift store, but you can find a nearly identical one at Schoolhouse Electric!
Thank you!
Adorable room! I love the map art- where did you find the frame for it? Thank you!
Would you mind sharing what paint color you used in the room?
Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore!
Love the map! Where did you get it? Most maps I’m finding have way more detail. And if you want to sell it please let me know.
Love the light fixture – where did you get that from?
LOVE everything about this room. Came across your blog through Pinterest in search for inspiration for bringing baby no.2 to share a room with his big sister (since we also have 2 bedrooms) Checking out your link for your rugs, but would also love to know where you got that beautiful side table in between the two chairs, please!
Thank you Vanessa! Love hearing how folks find me :) The cute side table is from Kalon Studios, it’s the small size