Merry Christmas! I hope you had a fantastic day, full of love and laughter. We had such a blast introducing Santa for reals this year. My MIL decorates to the nines with Santas of all shapes and sizes. Left and right I hear Zano say “ho ho” every time he spots a Santa figurine. It’s beyond adorable.
There are a few things I notice most around the holidays. Being a working mom, there are things I just can’t get to in a timely manner. I find myself shopping last minute, even though I started early. Wrapping gifts two days before Christmas well past my bedtime, and ordering holiday cards a week before Christmas. I think some families have it down – you take your holiday card photo on or before Thanksgiving, so once turkey day passes, you’re on it! Ordering cards for delivery weeks before Christmas and New Years. Instead of getting to mid December and thinking ‘dang, it’s too late’, I have to tell you my secret – Minted.
For the last couple years I’ve ordered our holiday card from Minted. Let me clarify, I rush-order our holiday card. Minted has so many options to customize your holiday card, and since I typically cut it close on time, I choose a style that suits post-Christmas delivery (as in, can also be received as a New Years or general Holiday card and not feel like it was a late delivered Christmas card. Trickery!)
My favorite selection Minted offers is the foil pressed cards. Think gold/copper/silver foil meets letterpress. The foil is shiny and so fancy looking, and the slight indentation from being pressed takes the design to the next level. I also love their new completely customizable cards where you upload your own image – check out the card Gwen’s kids created!
I ordered our cards Tuesday afternoon, and they arrived Friday. Talk about quick!

It was like pulling teeth, but I sort of got a family photo taken on Christmas day! There’s something about 19 month olds that makes sitting still, let alone looking at the camera, nearly impossible.
On a brighter note – I chopped my hair off! It was somewhat a dramatic/traumatic experience, but after a couple days its finally growing on me. Let me just say, it took two hairstylists and a lot of tears to get to this.
Merry Christmas!!! I’ll see you in the new year!

Thanks for the shout out and I love your hair! It looks really beautiful and I hope you all had a great Christmas!
Oh my goodness, too cute! And I love the hair!