Don’t tell my husband, but I’ve been thinking A LOT about finishing our living room. He thinks our house is done. Done? Done as in “we’re done, no more spending money on the house!” But, uh… what about the built-ins flanking the fireplace, or our (socially acceptable) desert of a lawn, or the planter beds that are empty, or our laundry “room” situation, or our roof, or repainting our house? Clearly I have a list a mile long of things left to do in the house. Sadly for me, he threw his list out once we finished our last project.
Well, I’ve started taking a few matters into my own hands, like buttoning up our living room. I’ve had two of these chairs in my possession for a year and a half, just sitting in my garage waiting for their moment. One of my besties gave me these chairs, for free. Yes, FREE. They’re a hot mess now, but you just wait until I’m finished with them! I’ve been saving my pennies to get them professionally reupholstered. I usually upholster things myself, but these are behemoth chairs and besides, I literally have no time to spare so I’ll be paying someone to upholster them for me. Heck, getting these two chairs reupholstered professionally costs less than buying two brand new chairs of similar style. At the end of the day I’m saving us money! (Which is totally not an accountant thing to say, ha!)
Here are 4 upholstery styles I’m considering for these chairs.

velvet | tweed | stripe | check
Which one do you like best?

oooh i love them all but something about that stripe is calling to me!
right?! I like the stripe too!
I vote Tweed – classic and won’t go out of style
You’re totally right!
Right this minute I would say check but really I think the stripe of velvet would have more style longevity!
this is what i’m thinking too. I badly want the check, but worry it’s too trendy..
Oh check or velvet
Oh yes!!!
Those are all great choices! I kind of love the stripe. The check is fantastic but I am going to guess a little trendy. The tweed is classic, no way to go wrong. The velvet is gorgeous. Will it hold up to puppies?
You have great insight! Luckily our dogs are not allowed on the furniture ;)
Exciting! I feel like the stripe would look really great!
tweed or velvet, or maybe even a nice solid flannel.
Velvet all the way!!!
I vote the tweed or stripe. They seem to fit the vibe of the chair best
Oh Em Gee. This is a difficult decision! My heart says velvet but my head says tweed for longevity. I love the grey that you have chosen to show here. I would have to find/make a deep or emerald green velvet pillow to keep the tweed chair company though… especially after seeing how beautifully the two fabrics play together in the photo above.
You’re so right!
These are so gorgeous! At first I fell in love with the tweed but that velvet tho! Screams Green Envy! I love it!
the stripe is such a great option too!