I used to be a runner, did you know?? Half marathons were my thing. Then… I got pregnant and had a kid and now I’m a full time working mom with a 3 hour round-trip commute. Cue the music! But seriously, it’s a tough gig! Finding time to exercise has been SO difficult, especially considering I would have to give up the time I spend with my kid to exercise. Part of me I felt super guilty about any time I chose to work out over spend time with Zano, while the other part of me feels depressed and bummed out about turning ‘soft’. Is it so much to ask to fit into my pre pregnancy jeans?!
I started talking to some other working moms who seem to have their sh*t together, and spotted a common theme. They all wake up early (like 4-5 am early!!!) and do their exercises before the kids wake up, before breakfast, before traffic, before work… I was fully convinced I could never be a ‘super early’ morning person. Waking up before 7 am requires a bit of effort. BUT! I was determined, adamant actually, to change my routine so that I could squeeze in a workout before I actually start my day.
I read somewhere that someone said – if there’s something you want to do today, and doesn’t happen before 10 am, chances are it’s not going to happen.
It’s so true! How many times have I pushed off the day’s workout into the evening and ended up bailing on myself because ‘I had a long day’ or ‘I’m tired’.
Anyway, what I’m trying to get at here is, it’s officially been a full (work) week of me successfully waking up before 5:30 and squeezing in a workout before the day starts. I realize I might still be in the ‘honeymoon phase’ of this new routine, but I can’t tell you how emotionally pleased I feel. I feel energetic, happy, and best of all, guilt free! I can chill with my son in the evenings without feeling down on myself for not having exercised that day
I made some huge changes to my morning routine. I started putting my alarm in the kitchen, so that I have to exit my room and walk to the kitchen to turn it off. It helps me wake up! I also started setting up my workout station & gear before going to bed so I don’t have to think very much when I get up. I also made a point to get the appropriate training shoes. I’ve only owned running shoes, but come to find out running shoes are not good for your form when lunging and jumping and doing other cross training exercises. OH, and it doesn’t hurt that I found the cutest sports bra ever! I took advantage of the Labor Day sales :)
I’ve done the P90X workout routines in the past, my husband actually lost over 60 lbs doing the first installment. My biggest complaint has always been they’re such a time commitment. I’m not quite ready to do a 60 minute workout in the morning, but I can do a 30-40 minute routine! I’ve started the P90X3 series. I’m not super strict on the workout schedule and diet yet, and who knows if I’ll get there, but I do really like the workout routines. My abs and butt are totally sore! And just so you know, this isn’t a sponsored post, and in case you wanted to know, yoga is hands down my favorite routine in all 3 of the P90X installments.
I still run on the weekends. I found a jogging stroller on Craigslist and have been pushing the stroller while I run. It’s so heavy and hard!
Now that I’ve put it out there for all to see, it’s your turn to tell me how you all do it! I’m committed to this new routine, and hope I stay diligent in becoming a super early morning person!

i am sitting here in bed just about to go to sleep and i just checked bloglovin one last time…. about to get up at 5 on a saturday morning for a long run. i am in the category that wakes up super early (4:50) and i meet a friend at 5:15 every morning to run 4 mornings and walk 2. i need to add weights in more and am sporadic with that… but getting up early, and having a buddy are what keep me going and motivated! :) i also hired a running coach so knowing i am being held accountable to her helps.
You are one of my main inspirations!!! You are a rockstar. I frequently think how if I just had a friend like you close by wanting to accomplish the same, I’d be golden. For some reason none of my friends want to wake up that early ???
and you know i would totally be there with you at 5 am!!!! accountability truly helps. you should just text me in the morning- i’ll be awake as we are 3 hours ahead of you. and you can be like “i did it!” or like “not feeling it today” and i will say, “girl, get your shoes on and just do it already.”
Hahaha my kind of coach ?
I don’t have kids so I can’t relate in that respect, but I too am NOT a morning person. However, if I don’t work out in the morning, it will never happen. I need the discipline of going to a class where I’m trapped in the room for an hour with someone telling me what to do. I, too, was recently inspired to start a serious workout routine, so I bought ClassPass (where you can take an unlimited number of classes at participating studios) and I’ve been doing classes as early as 5:30! Making it to work by 9 used to be a huge struggle, but I feel so much better and as long as I have my bags by the door and my workout clothes set out, it’s not so hard to just get up and go.
That is genius! I love the idea of a pass of classes. Group workouts are always super motivating, I learn and do things I wouldn’t do otherwise. Thanks for sharing, it’s great that you do this!
I run at lunch 2-3 days a week and I go to the gym 4 days a week before I go home from work. I get into work relatively early (7 AM) so I can leave, get to the gym, and get home in time for dinner. I don’t feel bad about missing out on time with my kids because I need me time, too. And I’m setting a good example for them. And because they generally don’t care if I’m there or not, even if I do (they’re 5 and 8, so not babies by any stretch). And my gym has child care so if I want I can bring them with me (and the gym also does kid programs — sometimes anyway). It helps that my commute is like 10 minutes and Dad stays at home!! It’s important to me and this is how I make it work…
You’re amazing! I agree with you, I need me time away from work. I think I need to work on the shorter commute thing!
I highly recommend the Kayla Itsines workouts. Not sure if you’ve heard of them….but they are awesome (hard, but they work!). I do them in my basement with minimal equipment. And if I don’t have something – I improvise with something similar or just another similar exercise. They are roughly 30 min each and you do them 3x a week. To maximize results you are supposed to add in low intensity workouts 2-3x a week. But that can be a 45min brisk walk with Z! :) I did it before my wedding, and I’ve never done something that gave me such great results. And I played soccer all my life, and run, etc. I’m officially addicted. Check her instagram acct out – @kayla_itsines
I will!!! Thank you for the recommendation! I need stuff that WORKS.