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Posts from July 2015

Nursery Update

My son, Zano (pronounced like “on” not “an”, more about his name here), is technically a toddler now. 14 months old. I can hardly believe it! He is officially saying words now. His vocabulary consists of “shoe” and “cheese”, which sound like “choo” and “chee”. I die. I think the denial I’ve …

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Bathroom Accessories

When I originally designed the bathroom, I kind of ignored the fact that not all brass finishes are created equal. Maybe I was hopeful it would all just go together… but it’s kid of a small space which means mis-matched brass finishes would definitely be noticed.  Turns out our sconces …

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Let me introduce you to our Backyard

Here is our back yard. Our back yard at it’s original state, I should say. Is it even fair to call it a yard? There are better terms that could describe this space: waste land, dirt pit, the place where dreams go to die. This wasn’t our favorite spot in …

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Branding Jane Reaction
Site Design Saturday Studio
Development Alchemy + Aim