I took a minute to read over my resolutions from last year… then I laughed for like a minute, ha! Last year my resolutions were ambitious and challenging for where I was in my life. Prime example: I resolved to put my clothes away on the daily, while pregnant no less! How did I fare? I probably lasted two months, tops, aaaaaaand I’m back to my old habits again. Ugh. What can I do? My husband and I share a tiny closet! I’m super short and can’t reach the top shelf to put my sweatshirts away. Is it normal not to put your clothes away every day? Should I not worry about this? I kind of feel like a failure.
What about the other resolutions? Well, we did get another Frenchie, just two weeks before I had baby Zano (puppy and baby?! Apparently I was very ambitious in my 9-month pregnant state). We bought a house, which wasn’t originally in the plan, and deciding to start work on the house aided in the decision to go back to work, so yes I am a mom but no I am not ‘stay-at-home’ as I thought I would be. But that’s OK, the baby gets to hang out all day with the sweetest daycare lady and 2 other kiddos his age. He’s getting socialized and I’m bringing in the bacon. #yay
Back to my goals and resolutions for the new year – my first resolution? SKILLS! Here’s where I tell you a negative that’s actually probably a positive but spin it so it looks like I have something I need to work on. In all seriousness, I’d like to be less of an A.D.D. cat and harness my weird and broad range of skills and try to focus on perfecting a handful of them. I’m a victim of the DIY plague, where I think I can do everything myself, sometimes it works out for me but most times it just makes me feel scatterbrained as I jump from one thing to the next on any given day. I’m resolving to focus on strengthening a few of my favorite skills, like photography, sewing, crafting and the like. I want to reallocate the time I spend on things that I’m not so skilled at and instead invest that time on perfecting those I like to do the most. What does this mean? It means I probably won’t DIY everything.
Some house goals for the year include: get new flooring (!!), turn our sun room into an entertaining space rather than a catch-all eyesore, and it might be wishful thinking but I’d like to upgrade our fireplace situation. It’s visually unobtrusive, but it’s meh.
And finally! The big kahuna goal of mine this year is: get uncomfortable! One thing’s for sure, this year is MY year. I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years, and for the most part I’ve always been in some sort of transitional period in my life: moving (3 times), engagement, wedding, pregnancy, saving money, etc. This transitional feeling has prevented me from taking any risks with this blog biz. I knew my foundation was always changing, and I became too comfortable moving at a slow pace. I’m finally in a good groove at home, my mom duties, work, and house duties are balancing nicely, and I’m ready to jump head first into the deep end! I’d love to share specifics with you now, but for the sake of THE JINX I’m going to keep things simple and somewhat overarching-ly vague. For those of you who are struggling, or feel like you’re not quite where you want to be, just know this: hard work pays off! Keep at it! Don’t compare your timeline to others, keep doing your thing and everything will fall into place as it should.
Now tell me, are you doing anything risky this year? What goals have you set for 2015 that will be challenging to reach? What do you do if you catch yourself getting too comfortable?
I’ll leave you with a very cute picture of my son, Zano, who clearly should have been the next Gerber baby ;)
You GO GIRL! I really do think this will be a big year for your blog – I’ve seen your vignettes/photography/styling pop up all over the place (most recently on Elements of Style!). It sounds like you have something in the works already so let me be the first to say…congrats! Now, about this whole finding your groove thing…any tips? My son is 15 months and I still find myself struggling!
aaaaw zano is adorable!!!! this is your year and i love your attitude!
C’mon, does ANYONE put their clothes away every day??
Lol, my (semi) solution for this was to let my husband have the bedroom closet and I put my dresser and a hanging rod in the laundry room. Not only do my clothes get put away more often, but I can blame our messy bedroom entirely on my husband.
Good luck with the new year! Personally, I think you’re killing it with photography and staging. You’ve definitely got an eye! Plus, you’ve got one adorable kiddo on your hands.
Thanks Sarah! That’s pretty smart of you, whenever I ask my husband to pick up his mess he just points a finger at mine! haha
Just discovered your blog, it’s great! Too many pieces and DIYs I am coveting already…I do have an important question though, how can you manage to decorate the apartment so nicely with 2 frenchies?! :))) I have one and basically all our decisions are made based on whether they are doggy proof, esp. stuff like rugs and plants on the floor :)
Wishing you good luck with new year goals, will keep following the blog!