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  • Casual Fridays

    Hey! It’s finally Friday! We’ve been hosting auditors all week at work, closing out 2014 etc etc. SUUUPER fun stuff, let me tell ya. I’m glad the work week’s over that’s for sure.

    You may have noticed I’ve been skipping my usual Friday Favorites posting routine. As much as I enjoyed rounding up favorite things and making a fancy collage for everyone, it just feels old hat to me, and in the light of a new year, I needed some time to think of something a little more fresh.  So, in the mean time, I’ll continue on with some fun links!

    Here are some really exciting things I’ve been reading/watching/listening to this week:

    Have a great weekend everyone! Please check back on Monday for my (riveting!) goals for 2015! It’s still January so making them now still counts.



    1. Thanks for the link, love!!! The Kitchen is moving right along…more progress coming soon! Happy weekend!! xo

    2. Ok — those were amazing links…I just spent the last 20 minutes reading them all! Congrats on your features…your kitchen should be shown all over the world…it’s THAT good! xo

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