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  • DIY Copper Tape Art

    Two DIYs in one week?! What?! I know, I’m just as shocked as you. Although truthfully, I’m procrastinating a little on writing those dreaded New Years resolutions… I’m still sorting through all my feelings over 2014 and determining exactly what it is I want to get out of 2015. I want a lot folks, but I don’t want to set myself up for failure just yet.

    SO! What exactly are we making today? Well, it’s a quicky art project that is probably a dud, but I actually like how it turned out so screw any haters and let’s get our copper tape art on!

    DIY Copper Tape Art // brittanyMakes

    You literally need 4 things to complete this project: Copper conductive tape, scissors, paper, and a frame – if you plan on framing it, or you could tape it to the wall all Washi-tape like with, you guessed it, copper conductive tape!

    DIY Copper Tape Art // brittanyMakesRule of thumb for this project, no measuring is required. Honest. I taped out these hexagons very loosely. Doing so adds a dimension of “quark” and “funk” and all the other adjectives that are synonymous with ‘weird’.

    DIY Copper Tape Art // brittanyMakesThere are two things you need to know about copper conductive tape.  1) there is a paper backing that you remove to adhere to any surface and 2) the edges are VERY sharp. I used the butt end of my scissors to smooth out each strip of tape after positioning them to the paper. Do NOT do what I did first: use you fingers to smooth out the pieces of copper tape.  It’s real copper folks, and again, it’s SHARP.  Copper conductive tape paper cuts hurt worse than manila folders.  I know you all know what those feel like…

    DIY Copper Tape Art // brittanyMakes DIY Copper Tape Art // brittanyMakes

    Above photo is before smoothing out with scissors, just FYI.

    Then, I framed my fabulous artwork in a standard Ikea frame, the matting didn’t quite fit but you get the idea.

    DIY Copper Tape Art // brittanyMakes

    I love the overlapping hexagons. I recently saw a similar pattern displayed on the windows at Urban Outfitters.  Such a coincidence!

    DIY Copper Tape Art // brittanyMakes


    1. Love the copper! What is the black color on your wall? Looks great and I am on the hunt to use some as well!

    2. Pingback: Loving Lately -

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