I know I know, I’m one of those moms who hashtag their kid. Don’t judge me too hard.

It’s been a couple months since I posted a motherhood update. Let me be very clear, I LOVE being a mom. I love seeing this little nugget’s face in the morning, all smiles and cheeks, so innocently joyful for no reason whatsoever. My heart melts every day for this little kiddo. I can’t believe we created this little being, his little heart, his little lungs, his toothless grin, we created him and it blows. my. freakin. mind.
The first thing I tell couples who have no kids is this: there is absolutely nothing like the love you have for your child. There is nothing you can feel prior to having a kid that will compare. Nothing.
The other thing I tell couples is, as special and as extraordinary this love feels, it is SO common. Every mother and every father feel the love of this magnitude for their children. It baffles me that something that is so personal and so individualistic and so significant to us is commonplace.
Some other random tidbits I want to share now that I’m a mom:
- I can’t stop buying baby clothes. Baby jeans, baby sweats, baby Christmas sweaters, baby bear claw slippers, baby hats. All this baby-wear is the new hoarding, and I might have a problem.
- Every move he makes, every giggle, every fart, every roll, every wiggle, brings me blissful joy.
- This book saved me
- We’re officially sleep training as of last Friday. Now, he’s always been a decent sleeper, and because of the book mentioned above, he’s literally like a clock for naps and feeding, but the last 4 weeks or so he developed a bad habit of waking up every 2 hours at night (I blame Thanksgiving), and of course I couldn’t help but run to the rescue when he woke up. But no more! I can happily say that during the last two nights he’s slept at least 8 hours straight. SO! There is hope I will sleep again!
- I haven’t gone for a run in like 2 months. I feel so gross.
- Being a working mom sucks. Some moms love it, I know, but it’s the hardest thing I’ve had to do, besides childbirth.
- I will look at pictures and videos of him while I’m at work, with a big fat grin on my face. I will also show strangers and random coworkers pictures of Zano at any moment of awkward silence. His cheeks are the best ice breaker.
- I haven’t joined a mom group yet. I had it in my mind that I would hang out more with friends that have babies of similar age, but they either live too far away, or are as equally consumed by juggling work and parenthood that we just can’t seem to find the time to hang. Sometimes it makes me feel sad.
- We’ve only been to the theaters once since the baby was born, and that was to see Interstellar
- I am so fearful of having a second kid. I worry that there’s no possible way I could love two kids the way I love one. I know it’s an invalid thought, but it really worries me.
- What is the best time to have kid #2?
This is pretty much the most random post ever. I’d love to hear your thoughts! How did you feel when your first baby was 6 months old? How did you get the courage to have baby #2? What did you do to sleep train? What crazy things should I look out for in the next 6 months?

A baby this cute should be hashtagged!
When my son was born I told my husband that I had finally met the love of my life and that he shouldn’t be upset that I could say without a doubt that I would never fall out of love with him and I knew from the moment I met this little guy that he could do whatever he wanted to me and I would still love him. And that rule doesn’t apply to my husband ;)
I also needed 3 years to be ready to get pregnant again and my son with his good sleeping habits tricked me into it because the second one was so different and did everything different including not sleeping. She sealed the deal to me not wanting a third ;)
He is beyond adorable! And…Baby Wise is the best thing you have ever done in your life!! My friends made fun of me and thought I was crazy but after three great sleepers they begged me for help :)
We just had baby #2 and my oldest was 3.5 yrs. old. I asked around beforehand and a lot of people liked the 3 yr ish age gap. The older one is usually well on their way to being potty trained, more self sufficient and can even help with the new baby. I give major props to the moms with kids less than 2 yrs apart. I don’t know how they do it!!
Your son is adorable! Man, I relate so much to everything in this post. 6 months is fun, but it gets more and more fun as they get older. My daughter is 1.5 years old and I’m always telling myself “this age is my new favorite age”.
Oh, he is so cute! I can totally relate to buying way to many baby clothes, they’re just so adorable!
haha yes! and I DEFINITELY have a problem. I think I love babies in sweatshirts the most, especially the pocket in front, i die every time.
Oh Brittany, this is so great. I love that I can not only relate to your awesome taste but we are in the same boat. My baby is 7 months old. Way to go on the sleep training. I have to say that I’ve tried every method already and nothing has really worked 100%… but that might be because we have been out of town like a million times in the past 6 months and we’ve also moved. I have given up for now… maybe I’ll try again in a couple of months. We plan to have baby #2 when our first one turns 2.5 at least. Thanks for posting about your family, your blog is perfect!
being out of town is THE WORST. There’s nothing like screwing up any hard work you do by going out of town. I know the next 2 weeks are going to be challenging for us as well, I just hope I can keep him on the right track/schedule. Thanks for your input on baby timing! It’s great to hear what everyone thinks :)
I loved this. It made me miss you more. :) Yay for BabyWise. I know it sounds bad, but I’m not a baby-stage lover. The first year (maybe the first 18 months) isn’t that much fun. And you won’t understand it until Zano is 18 months and you look back on this time. As for baby #2, you will just know. You know Morgz and Logan are close and it was soooo hard in the beginning but now it is SO MUCH FUN! They are best buds and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Miss you!!!
I MISS YOU! I need to hear about your trip, and I need to come visit!
This made me laugh :) Not AT you, just remembering so many of those same thoughts and feelings a few short years ago. One way to go about getting up the courage for number two is to accidentally get knocked up. This worked great for me ;) My girls are two years apart almost to the day and I was freaked the heck out when I found out I was pregnant with the second but the age split between them now is super awesome. Your capacity to love more than one child, and love them all just the same amount, blows my mind. I don’t get it, and I was totally freaked about this too, but it just happens. Instantly.
hahaha i like that, “accidentally”, I guess we’ll see how it pans out! I don’t want too big of a gap between kids, but I really need to grow some balls if I plan to do it anytime within the next year…