The week before Thanksgiving always throws me off, I’m never quite prepared for it so do me a favor and just pretend this isn’t my first post of the week :P
My husband has been threatening to get rid of all of my “junk frames” (as he calls them) which I was carefully storing in our garage the last few months. He desperately wants an empty garage so he can build his ‘home gym’ (lols). I guess I wasn’t sharing his sense of urgency over working out in the garage, I wasn’t in any hurry to tidy up the mess. In reality, I had been waiting for that perfect design moment to arrive, you know, that light-bulb-I-got-the-perfect-idea moment to tell me how and where to hang the art that I accumulated from our loft. It’s tricky trying to take decor from one space and insert it into another. It takes time! Don’t husband’s know this??

I’ve been working with Minted on a couple things ever since they invited me to the Camille Styles book launch in San Francisco last week. Minted has expanded their marketplace to not only offer cards and stationary, they now have a full suite of hand selected custom and limited edition art prints from all our favorite artists! I was looking for a photograph to incorporate in my bedroom that had 3 characteristics: soothing color palette, slight pattern, and large scale. I stumbled on this print by Gail Schechter and just had to have it. I was also head over heels for this print by Jennifer Little but thought I’d come back to that one another time.

It was easy navigating the Minted art shop. I was worried I’d lose track of the prints that I loved, but their ‘favorite’ button (almost like a ‘Pin it’ button) enables you to go back and view all your favorites at any time. The next big thing Minted has added to their shop is a slue of metallic foil art prints! This one by Marabou Design is so sweet!
I just wanted to say thanks to Minted for sending me one of their gorgeous prints! My room wouldn’t be complete without it.

I love the favorite button too and your art gallery is fabulous
Gorgeous! Love all of your selections!
How awesome. Love your choices Brittany. Minted has so many great pieces right now:)