I’m not very good at posting on Mondays, mainly because it’s well, Monday, and arguably the worst day of the week. I’d like to promise I’ll try to post more on Mondays, but i’m not going to pigeonhole myself or make promises I cannot keep, so instead let’s consider today’s post a bonus!
Last week I revealed our bedroom. I’m actually happy to report it pretty much still looks this way! I’ve managed to keep all surfaces clean and organized and ‘decor-ized!’ Not destroying our bedroom immediately after having taken the stylized photos is a major accomplishment. Hopefully we can keep it this way for a little bit longer!

Anywho, I wanted to share with you today the DIY behind creating this raw wood valance, as well as more details about these amazing curtain panels! The raw wood valance was 100% inspired by the Decorview setup in this guestroom makeover. I needed to have a modern wood valance in my life, and thought the bedroom window was the perfect place to experiment!

First, I hung a very inexpensive curtain rod, I think it was $4 from Ross (you can see it in one of the photos below). Then, using an 8-foot 1″ x 3″ pine board, my miter saw, 3″ L brackets and a stud finder, I crafted a simple valance. The width of the valance was measured by first identifying the location of the studs flanking our window. I wanted to be sure this valance was secured to the studs.

I attached the valance to the wall using more L brackets, as you can see below. The L brackets and curtain rod are hidden from view, but here is an undershot so you get an idea of how it was assembled.

Now, how ’bout that fabric??? This Chinoiserie inspired print is a stunner! I love how bold and vivacious this fabric looks in our bedroom. It certainly plays the leading role without stealing the show.

The fabric itself is a Williamsburg print from their new fabric collection, called Dunmore Dragons in persimmon. The Williamsburg collection is full of vivid colors and intriguing designs. These bold prints and woven textiles are reminiscent of artifacts and objects in Colonial Williamsburg and their extensive archives of 18th-century decorative arts. Williamsburg Licensee PK Lifestyles, took this historical influence and updated these prints into these very trendforward designs. I definitely recommend browsing the full collection of Willimsburg textiles, there might find something you love!

I made the curtain panels in like 30 minutes, no joke! I chose not to line them, mainly because I didn’t have any fabric to use for lining. I can always add a liner later or double up the curtains with inexpensive white panels from Ikea. All I did was fold the edges over twice, iron the fold down, and run the edges through my sewing machine.

I hung the panels to the inexpensive curtain rod using rings with attached clamps, then hemmed the bottom at the length where the panels hit the floor. I didn’t even take the panels down! I brought my sewing machine to the window and hemmed them while they were hanging. I’ve never done this before, it was SO much easier than I expected!

So there you go! I am seriously loving this perfect marriage between a simple-but-fancy raw wood valance and these vibrantly chic curtain panels!

Yup, it’s the perfect balance between fancy and simple! Love it
love the print, colors and valance!! SO good!!