Hello! How about that giveaway yesterday?? PlaidFox is pretty cool. I can’t wait to see who wins, and what pillow they choose! Speaking of winner, the winner of the Target Gift Card Giveaway is Sarah Coviello! Congrats Sarah! You should check out the comments, pretty much everyone wished they could register for a KitchenAid stand mixer. KitchenAid, are you reading this?
This weekend was great, I’m just getting caught up now but I had to mention my SIL had a baby girl on Friday (!!!, hence my absence), so we spent much of the weekend with the fam ohh-ing and ahh-ing over itty bitty baby fingers and toes. I know it’s only been four months, but man, newborns are so tiny! My giant of a baby makes me forget just how tiny he once was. OH, and thank you everyone for your sweet birthday wishes! You all know how to make a girl feel special :)
It’s been like 3 weeks since I updated you last on our kitchen progress, you’d think everything would be finished by now, but no. We were having major drama over a window. A stupid, dumb, silly window that is making things VERY difficult.
Alrighty, where did we leave off last? Oh, yeah, we picked out our marble. (Catch up on the remodel with the links at the end of this post)

Again, SO SORRY for the awful picture quality, but as you can see here they quickly dry walled and painted everything. I didn’t realize but apparently kitchens are ‘supposed’ to be painted in semi-gloss paint. I prefer flat finish on my walls, so you could sense my surprise when I came home to shiny walls. Because we were going to be dealing with inspections on our load bearing beam installation, the contractor painted the walls in semi-gloss to ease the inspection. Once all is said and done, I’m painting those walls flat.

A major cosmetic situation we have to deal with for a while is our floors. Our dining and kitchen were covered in faux tile linoleum, which is the worst! Our linoleum was textured and nearly impossible to get clean without scrubbing on my hands and knees. I understand it’s a cost effective solution for some, but I seriously couldn’t get it out of our space fast enough. I prefer subfloor to linoleum! We will have to live with subfloor for a while once this kitchen reno is complete, until we can afford a full overhaul on all the flooring in our house. There’s no sense in paying for temporary flooring that we most likely will replace in 6 months. So, phase 1 is the kitchen, phase 2 is floors! Fingers crossed next spring we will be able to install new flooring.

The biggest improvement is our ceiling! After a little back and fourth with the inspector, our load bearing beam has been approved! Our crew had to reinforce the foundation by pouring concrete beneath the studs that now support the load bearing beam in our attic. Next on my list is ripping up that carpet! I still have to convince my husband that subfloor is better than that carpet, which will definitely be a challenge.
Have I mentioned I’m SO ready to have my kitchen back? We’re going on 7 weeks here… I can only eat so much Chipotle!
Get caught up on the remodel!
- We’re finally remodeling our kitchen & living room!
- The wall is gone and the beam is in!
- The kitchen take-down
- 5 kitchens influencing our design
- Countertops & 3D rendering of our plans

It’s exciting how far you got already!
In my mom’s house they stained the subfloor super dark, you can’t tell it’s subfloor, it just looked like hardwood floors. If you look for the seams you can tell, but you are right, it’s a way better option then crappy floors! I’m so excited you are going to have a beautiful kitchen soon!!
So exciting!! Can’t wait to see more! Chiptole is pretty good, but there is only so much you can eat :)