// ONE plant stands!!! Why are elevated plants so fashionable? // TWO I’m oddly drawn to this textured pillow // THREE this lamp would look perfect in our nursery // FOUR my dining table STILL lacks a set of dining chairs, and right now i’m loving the glossy black look of these chairs // FIVE geometric minky blanket??? Yes please!
AND MORE from around the internets!
// Ever get the blogger blues? Joy’s keynote is sure to amp you up
// Obsessing over this wallpaper (too bad it would cost like a bajillion dollars to cover a room)
// So impressed with this DIY
// Have you checked out Scout & Nimble yet? More deets coming soon.
// These got me thinking about Halloween
// That’s it, I’m doing this to all art from now on
// The 2015 Ikea catalogue is here!
It’s August 1st, my goodness. And I thought this year was going to drag…
Have a great weekend! Stay cool out there!