I love a good DIY, there are just so many ideas swirling around in my head. Some of my ideas are original, crazy weird, super simple, or happen to be various renditions of other projects or things I’ve spotted out in the internets. Today’s project is something of the latter, I’m not claiming originality nor am I re-inventing the wheel, I’m just putting my spin on something I actually needed, yet, of course, has been done before.
I completely ruined my stock camera strap when I photographed the latest Home Depot Style Challenge. I came home and my entire camera bag, strap included, reeked like bonfire. Not to mention my clothes and hair! It took me a week to wash out that smell, and I’m a girl who hates shampooing… Anyway, I needed a new camera strap, so I turned to my mound of fabric scraps for a solution. Read the entire tutorial over at the interior design talent Kirsten’s blog, 6th Street Design School.

love this!
Loved your project, Brittany!
Love this Brittany. It looks so expensive:) great job!!!
love this! saw it on 6th st this morning and was so impressed!