That’s right, I’m half way there folks! I’m 20 weeks pregnant, and feel like a blimp. I can’t imagine getting any larger, however, as I’ve been told, this is only the beginning.
So yeah, pregnancy is beautiful and rediculously exciting, but being too big for even your biggest and baggiest pre-pregnancy clothes is super depressing. Please lord let my milk drop so I can breast feed my way back into my skinny jeans. We should take bets, how quickly will I fit into said jeans? Who’s with me?
In all seriousness, pregnancy so far has been a breeze. I never got morning sickness, not even once. Yes I’m lucky, I’ve been told this more times than I can count! The entire first trimester I kept thinking to myself “is this real life?” And of course, as friends and family learned of my superior-anti-morning-sickness-special-powers, everyone immediately said “it’s a boy!”. I’ll have more on our gender reveal very soon, and if you follow me on Instagram, you already know!
Things got real around 16 weeks when I felt the baby kick for the first time. Up until that point I felt (and looked) like I was just getting fat. No one tells you this, you think oh when the baby kicks it will be distinctive and it will be strong. False. The very first kicks feel like gas bubbles, which just happened to be in the same spot every time to be ever so slightly distinctive from digestion. The baby’s kicks are a lot stronger now. Poor husband, it wasn’t until last week when he finally felt his first kick. I think that was a big moment for him. Don’t tell him I told you, but I over heard him excitedly telling his friends about it “I felt the baby kick!!!” Gah! Too stinkin’ cute.
Nesting has hit me pretty hard, probably because I’m yearning for our own place again. We’ve made some big decisions already on what furniture to buy for the babe. Our crib arrived yesterday (woot!), we bought the stroller for each other (read: ME) for Christmas, and we’re ordering the rocker as we speak. We’ve registered for tons of baby crap like milk warmers, diaper genies, burp cloths, ear and butt thermometers (yes they’re separate thermometers, don’t be gross), and I’ve definitely begun the hoarding of the cutest little baby clothes. Baby Gap is out to kill me with cuteness, that I know for sure.
So, there’s the fun belly update! Today one of my besties is having her baby, I never realized it would happen but here I am having babies with my friends in the same year! It’s very exciting. We’re all going to play date so hard.

play dating hard is a blast- so glad you will get to do it with your best friends! :) you’re too cute.
Awww yaaaay for baby bumps. It took me literally a day to fit back into my prepregnancy jeans but I don’t like telling that story bc it’s really unrealistic. I just happen to have skinny parents so I’m genetically inclined to not get very big while pregnant. Anywayyyyyyy I never got sick a single day with my son. My pregnancy was a breeze. My daughter on the other hand. Complete opposite. Sick everyday for 4 months and super sensitive to smells. I’ve seen you in person and you look FABULOUS and absolutely gorgeous:)
So exciting, you look adorable! Baby GAP is one of my favorite places for clothes, I can hardly go in there without walking away with something.
I’m going to add my name to the list of people telling you that you are lucky! I was super sick and miserable. Hated it!
Such a cute bump ;)
How funny! Love reading your take on your pregnancy and anti-morining-sickness-super-powers! i had those powers too, we are the lucky ones. I was a diet-work-out-nut after my last one. It took about 4-5 months for me to get back to where I wanted to be. Everyone’s different though. I have a post Christmas food baby I’m trying to rid of if that makes you feel better. Have fun planning out the baby domain :) xo Kristin
You are one lucky lady for sure!!!! I’m 22weeks and am so huge it’s not even funny! I swear this baby must be 5 pounds already ;).
Hooray for nesting, baby clothes, and nursery designs!!
being pregnant is def an adventure! Take advantage of all the quiet time, resting, movie watching etc. You will wonder what you ever did with your time before the baby was here, if that is even possible:)!! You look great!