So yeah, the holidays are just about over… I don’t know where to put my hands!
I unplugged for most of the week last week, which was totally worth it. I was able to spend time with my family, and my husband’s family, where it was truly needed. We have a few health issues going on in our fam, and it was just so great to spend as much time as possible with those who are ailing.
All in all, I feel very refreshed and SO ready for the new year. I’m ready for change, ready for my belly to double in size, ready to pop out a baby human, and ready to fit back into my skinny jeans. I’m ready. I just hope I can be patient enough for things to go as nature intended, because lord knows I can be an impatient lady :)
Now, let’s take a quick look at what we did this year and the greatest projects that catapulted this blog to where it is today, which clearly wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t here reading. With that, I thank you!
I started the year off with what should have been a straight forward crown moulding + Billy bookcase project, and because of a mathematical error (aka laziness), using my improvising super powers I crafted ourselves some beveled bookshelves. Thanks to you this is my #3 top post this year! Go figure.
I’m a gold spray paint snob, and after much research and product comparison trying to find that perfect gold spray paint (you know, the one that looks most like gold leaf?) I posted my findings and my blog literally blew up! This post was even featured as a Cupcakes & Cashmere favorite, and pinned by thousands. Thanks to you this is the #1 post of the year! I sure hope you’ve tried some Montana Gold Chrome spray paint. You will fall in love. Promise.
Things really started moving along in our loft earlier this year, especially when I made over our mid-century dresser in one of the truest shades of coral. You all loved this so much one of you bought it off of me! I am still sad about having let it go, but glad it’s in a loving home. This post was your #4 favorite, and rightly so :)
One of the best things that happened to me in 2013 was collaborating with one of the biggest brands in the business, Home Depot. The Spring Patio Challenge was incredible. I seriously learned so much.
I have to thank Home Depot (and the secret squirrel who nudged me into their paws – thanks darling!), and you sweet readers, to my pivotal growth this year. Yes, I work hard (ish) to grow this blog, but sometimes there’s those moments, those relationships you create, with readers and other bloggers, that happen to be the reason you’re where you are today. Why else do actors and artists thank a gazillion people when they receive a reward? Because they can point back to those peeps, those moments, which were pivotal. Those people, those relationships, deserve to be acknowledged. So thank you.
Apparently I couldn’t get enough of patios, and went to rescue one of my best friend’s patio from being a sad, withered space, which it was forever doomed. We painted the most giant chevron pattern on her cement floor, which is so stunning in person.
Then we sewed a gazillion pillows for her outdoor space. Nothing screams “sit on me!” more than a giant chevron patio floor with pillows galore.
We gone got married!
And while we were away honeymooning in Europe, a group of fantastic gals got together and shared a bit about themselves. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every interview!

Shortly after our nuptial celebrations ended, I hopped over to my girlfriend’s house to help make over her home office. We made cushions, spray painted table legs, built Expedits, and styled until our fingers cramped. Speaking of, I still owe you a tutorial on that secret DIY zebra hide. Boy am I behind.
FALL 2013
I finally got to finishing our bedroom, about 2 months before we moved out. Major sad face. I’m just glad I got to live with it as long as I did. Not everything lasts forever, sadly. But look at that blue!
And soon after I teamed up with my fellow Bay Area blog pal, Kate, and acquired myself a lovely set of mid-centry night stands in a fresh shade of glossy black.
Then BAM! We’re pregnant. Boy did we not waste a minute. I’ll have a prego update for ya soon!
Then, Just about 3 days before we bid adieu to our loft, we finished up our last Home Depot project of the year – The Holiday Challenge.
And last but certainly not least, we moved to our temporary home and unpacked a little. Things are starting to look put together… at least in this tiny corner they are :P
2013 was a whirlwind, full of surprises, laughs, tears, fun projects, and lots of change. I’m totally ready for more; more challenges, more changes, and more projects. Thank you all for a great year. 2014, let’s do this!
Can’t wait to see what Brittany makes in 2014. You had an amazing year and I have the feeling this new year will be even better ;) Happy New Year
What a great year filled with beautiful projects!! I am still obsessed with that coral dresser! What an amazing year for you, a husband and a baby! Such exciting times!!
what a great year!!! your bedroom is an all time fave of mine! happy new year!
Such a wonderful year with so many life changes! You made a gorgeous bride and soon momma :) Loved getting to know you and am looking forward to your 2014 and your amazing projects :) xo Kristin
You have had quite the year! And I know 2014 will be packed with even more exciting things for you all. & I am so sorry to hear about your family…so glad you were able to unplug and spend quality time with them…makes the holidays that much more special. xoxo!
So exciting! I know 2014 will be even better…especially with your little one in hand! :)
What a big year for you! Looking forward to 2014!
You had such a fabulous 2013!! I cannot wait to see what 2014 has in store for you guys! :)
What a great year! I’m so glad I found your blog…you have great taste and I love all your DIY projects. I’d love to know how to do that zebra rug! I don’t know how you let the coral dresser go…gorgeous! :) Looking forward to a great 2014 ~
What an awesome year! And what an exciting year 2014 will be. Happy New Year, Brittany!