First off, have you read Sarah’s blog yet today? She’s hosting a fun little interview sesh and today I’m the guest! You’ll learn a few things about me, including my all time DIY fail. Check it out here.

On a similar note, we’re in full moving mode. All that’s left in our loft is only our bed, AND our Christmas setup for the Holiday Challenge, which is quite a sight let me tell you.
One of our neighbors stopped by to check out our unit, and to my surprise he didn’t say one. word. about our glamorous holiday setup. I think he was too confused to acknowledge it, but its quite possible he’s hiding his own Christmas shrine in his loft. #youneverknow
We’ll officially be back in the burbs this weekend, back where we came from almost a year and a half ago! The plan is to stick it out in our old place for a few months before we move onto something different. We’re saving a ton of $ along the way, and lord knows when two accountants get married, saving dough always wins, no matter how much we love our loft (and our commute!).
I’m sad, but ready for the change (and challenge). We’re going to make the best of our spaces, and if anything it just means new blog content, right? My plan is to post some bon voyage before-and-afters of our loft, and finally put together what bits we have for a “home tour”. Hang in there with me as we transition, the fun DIY content will return before you know it!

My best friend who is a CPA married an accountant for the government. Almost have their house paid off at the ripe old age of 29! They crack me up with their spreadsheets for everything.
Hope your move goes well and I’m so excited to see your holiday sparkle. ;)