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  • Christmas is coming…

    Boy! It’s been quite a busy week.  I’m managing an audit at work, solo.  Yep – world’s biggest time suck!

    OK so I totally know it’s not Halloween yet, but for reasons I can’t share, Christmas is hot on my radar.  I have a few Christmas projects in the works, which I’ll share as soon as I can, but for now let me leave you with a little taste of what I’m working on.

    christmas peek

    This year, my Christmas is a magical mix of animal prints, gold, and faux fur. A nod to the classic Christmas reds help marry everything perfectly.  I’m excited to see Christmas come alive for the last time in my light-filled, industrial loft.

    Oh, did I mention, we’re moving?

    1. This is one big ole tease of a post! ;) I love the direction that you are going for Christmas (I may have just shuddered as I said that…are we only a couple months away!?!?!?) How can that be??? And moving???!!! How exciting!!!

    2. Oh can’t wait to see what your new place has in store! I am the same way about Christmas! I love all the decor and festivities that surround this time of year and can hardly wait to get to it!!


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