Hey! Did everyone have a great Labor Day? I finished up some incomplete projects, got started some new ones, and finally started writing my thank-you cards. Am I the only one who avoids writing thank-you cards like the plague? There’s just so many of them!
Oh also, did you notice any changes around here?

New header, woot! Another change I’m working on is selling our dining table (sad-face), but we’re ready for something different. If you’re interested, and live in the SF Bay Area, send me an email! Otherwise it’s going on Craigslist while I cross my fingers it sells in a flash.
Another exciting thing happened this weekend. You may have spotted a sneak peek on Instagram, we got a new rug this weekend!

Ah, beloved rug! Thank you Ikea for finally getting rid of that weird teal border! My living room looks amazing, than you. xoxo, Brittany.

Nope you aren’t the only one who avoids thank you cards. I usually make the hubby write them ;) Love the header. And I’m so mad that I bought that rug before our long trip. Now I want to go back and get one without that stupid border!!!
Love the new header Brittany :) and of course the new rug! xo Kristin
I’ve been thinking about that rug for my living room…looks great with your pink/peach!
Great new header! And I love the rug paired with your coral dresser.
The new header is great! A little gold glitter in the letters feels very “you” :)
Love the new header! I mean who doesn’t love sparkly gold glitter!!! ;) It looks great…along with the new rug. Super fun.