IN UNDER AN HOUR?!?!?! Yeah, It caught my attention too!
Although truthfully you probably have to be pretty focused. My inner ADD child always pours out when I have to write about serious stuff. Anyway, I honestly thought this article was worth sharing, as creating a business plan can seem daunting and beyond scary, but the professional peeps over at Etsy have the best ways to make it easy. I promise!

Read the entire article here.

I will have to check it out. I’m the same way when I have to write serious stuff LOL…I look around…start rearranging things…”oh look at the dustbunnies, hey kitty you need a belly rub?….” I get sidetracked really easily ;)
Why is it so hard for us creative types to sit down and focus on something like this? Darn you creative avoidance! :/
Um…this is so awesome! Such great advice. I too have no desire to do “serious” things like this instead of something creative, so simple is good ;)