You know there are just some weeks/days where you feel like running around with your hands up screaming “BLEALRAHWOALASLSALAAAAA”? No? You never feel this way? Oh yeah, me neither…
Actually yes, I feel this way right now! Is this what they call ‘wedding brain’? If so, I’ve got it HARD. 14 days… So yeah, sorries for being AWOL this week. Instagram’s been my best friend and I owe y’all big!
OK, now for some FAVES!
//ONE Check that bar cart off your wishlist with this lattice tray table from Target! It’s on sale right now for $35, WHAT!? //TWO I’ve been looking for something simple to store my makeup brushes and eye shadows, and I think this acrylic tote is the perfect thing! As you can see it can be used for many purposes //THREE What’s a Friday fave list without something gold? This turtle shell tray from High Street Market would make your table top sing //FOUR I love following the Instagram #targetdoesitagain because seriously, I might as well just sign my paycheck over to Target! They’ve got a new line of Tolix inspired chairs in 3 amazing colors! Prepare for a new wave of spaces designed with these in mind //FIVE what gal doesn’t need a simple, clean, everyday tote? This one right here is killing me softly :)
Alrighty! I’m so happy it’s Friday. I’ve got wedding to-do list that’s a mile long, and I’m designing my soon-to-be sister in law’s new bakery, wish me luck on making some headway this weekend!

I’m drooling over the gold turtle tray.