Happy Wednesday everyone! We’re half-way through the week, woohoo! Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on yesterday’s coral dresser. I am completely blown away with how much the internet loves this dresser! It just makes my itty bitty heart swell with sunshine and gratitude, so thank you!
Last month I had the pleasure of introducing you to my new sponsor, Curio Road. If you missed out on the introduction, Curio Road is a fashion and home accessory membership site that highlights extremely talented and upcoming hip designers and artists. They host quick sales of jewelry, accessories, and home decor items that rival popular shops like Anthropologie or C.Wonder.

Curio Road’s main focus is to help designers and artists reach an ever broader audience to help these makers grow their businesses. Curio Road is also in the process of teaming up with bloggers, such as myself, to help grow that audience.
I feel very lucky to be playing a small part in the growth and success of these amazing artists and designers. I feel a kinship to these makers because I too am focused on growing my audience and my brand, with my concentrated goal trying to build stronger relationships with my readers.

With that said, take a minute or two and pop on over to view the Permanent Collection preview at Curio Road. Right now there are 226 items listed in the permanent collection, and they change almost every day!
OH! And don’t forget! If you invite friends to join the site, which is free by the way, you earn cash to spend on the site! And there’s no easier way than blasting your friends on Facebook :P
Thanks for listening, and can someone please buy that acorn locket! For me of course, please and thank you :)

It looks like a perfect collaboration; also it is great to find your blog via Curio Road!