My poor mom, I ask her this question so often, and now I’m putting her on blast! She has the greenest of thumbs, and you’d think a green thumb would be passed down to a daughter, but sadly this is not true.
I think I’ve reached an age or time in my life where the desire to nurture and grow plants is stronger than ever. I feel so terrible when I kill a plant, usually its from too much sun or too much water, but I really want to be able to keep a plant alive! Over the last year I’ve been patiently working on that green thumb of mine. I started with a small fern, but apparently this is an ambitious plant because it died quickly. Lesson learned – start with something simple! I tried again with few succulents, two died, but a few are still living!
It usually takes a big event or opportunity to encourage grand risks to be taken. In my case, for the Home Depot Patio Challenge, I jumped ahead and bought an olive tree (or two)! The move from succulents to trees is mighty risky for someone with not so green of a thumb.

Did you know Home Depot sells olive tress in the $20-$50 range, $20 for a small tree, and $50 for a more mature tree. I had no idea you could get a cute tree for so cheap! I just may have bought one of each… one for indoors, and one for out.
What I dig about this tree is it’s very low maintenance. They’re native to the Mediterranean, which means they love a hot and dry climate – perfect for bathing in the California sun!

I’ve been doing my homework on this plant, how to prune, when to re-pot, and how to care for it indoors. I’m knocking on wood, but I think I can do it! And just in case I fail, Home Depot has a 1-yr guarantee on their plants – I can run to them for help if I get caught in a tough spot.


You may just spot a big whimsical olive tree in my patio makeover! Expect the patio reveal sometime in April, and don’t you worry – I’ll be sure to let you know the minute it’s up!
My next to-do is to find the perfect basket to house my cute little olive tree. So exciting!

I love olive trees! In Germany a lot of people have them and I love how they look.
Can’t wait to see your patio reveal!