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Posts from June 2012

move in day

Are you ready to hear a secret? Something I never imagined possible? Well, here it goes… I… officially have an Oakland zip code. It's OK, it's OK! It's really not as bad as it sounds, I promise!  I mean, who would have thought you could find this in Oakland?   …

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DIY ribbon tie necklace

There are countless methods in making jewelry.  It's actually one of the things I love most about making or designing a piece of jewelry – that it's an entirely creative outlet with few rules or guidelines.  Once you learn the basic tools in linking beads and gems as one cohesive …

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I Spy a DIY – #12

Let's kick the week off with a new I Spy feature! It's taken me about a week to get back into the groove of things after the long holiday weekend.  I'm happy to say I'm back on track, ready to kick butt, and finally move into our new place.  T-minus …

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How to sew a bolster pillow cover

Hello! I have another sewing project to share today, as if I didn't sew enough in the last few weeks!  The back story to this project is I'm remodeling our bedding for our new place, and the bed needs a bolster pillow! I decided I'd sew my own cover, (since …

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Branding Jane Reaction
Site Design Saturday Studio
Development Alchemy + Aim