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Posts from May 2012

what’s new?

Hello! I have a bunch of little things going on at the moment, so today I decided to write a post about all those little things! First things first – I opened a Twitter account! YIKES, I know.  I thought I would never take the plunge – that I would …

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I Spy a DIY – #11

I can't tell you how many hours I've spent gazing at Restoration Hardware's Spring collection catalogue (and website).  I've gained sooo much inspiration from their collection that I am eagerly planning to incorporate the rustic look and feel into our new apartment (which shall be termed 'home' from this point …

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personalized bouquet for mom!

For all those special mothers in our lives, here's a super quick way to personalize a store bought bouquet that will sure to make a mother smile!      Grab a couple dozen flowers, in this case I used my mom's favorite flower, tulips! Next, grab some brown Kraft paper, …

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We finally found a place!

The hunt is over! We finally found the perfect place! It's big and bright and airy, a little industrial-feeling, crisp white walls, and super pet friendly!  Here are some sneak-peek photos I took while we were signing the lease…     A big guest bedroom! Aka man cave.      …

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I’m going to HAVEN!

Breaking news! It's official, I'm going to HAVEN! Weeeee! I am beyond excited! I'm going all by myself, which makes me a little nervous but it's going to be perfect.  I'm going to meet so many amazingly talented ladies.  I'M SO EXCITED!!! How did I find a ticket, you ask? …

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Branding Jane Reaction
Site Design Saturday Studio
Development Alchemy + Aim