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  • craigslist binge, and some random thoughts

    After months of accumulating furniture, fabric, boxes of poly-fil, paint, and craft supplies, I finally got myself a storage unit.  I'm not exactly sure when I crossed the line into hoarder territory, my BF thinks it began with the first set of antique chairs I bought last summer.  Obviously I disagree.  I'm accumulating projects to work on in the near future, and items to sell – like floor pillows!  And I need inventory to do that, duh.

    A couple weeks ago I featured Susan's post about her Craigslist secrets.  I'm not joking when I say this – I have been on Craigslist every day since then, refreshing the same key word searches in hopes to find the exact item I'm looking for, at the perfect price.  As of last Friday, all that time spent has finally paid off! I found a complete French antique dining set, 6 French-y curvy cane chairs and a matching 2-leaf expandable table, for $50! My BF had no qualms about the purchase, as long as it went into a storage unit.  After we picked up the dining set, I felt like I had stolen something.  $50! Sorry, I forgot to take a picture before the items went into storage.  Don't worry though, I'll share them soon.

    If that wasn't enough, yesterday I found these chairs for sale, 2 of them, for $50:



    Picture quality is questionable, and no doubt the fabric is gross and dirty, but I wanted them. I went to lunch and couldn't get the chairs off my mind.  I was certain I would regret not buying the chairs, so once I got back to my desk I dialed the number and scheduled a time to check them out.  Let's just say the transaction took less than 5 minutes – "here are the chairs," "here is the cash," and in the car they went.

    I snapped a quick photo before loading them into storage…




    Looks like someone had a favorite chair.  So gross.

    But not to fear! I have perfect plans for these ugly ducklings.  Here are my inspirational chairs (click on photo for source):



    – or –




    We all know this girl (me) loves gold leaf… but I'm dying to try out chalk paint.  Also, I'm currently obsessed with the raw deconstructed look Restoration Hardware has going on right now:



    I think drop cloths are in my near future…

    On a side note, I'm working on a secret upholstery project, which has me bottle-necked on life.  Let's just say my seam ripper and I have become bff's.  Once this project is through, I better be able to sew a slipcover cushion with my eyes closed.  More to share later, I don't want to spoil the surprise!


    1. Hi Brittany, Thank you, I bought a 2 lb box of nail head trim at the link below. I love that site and they have all kinds of good upholstery supply products. In my opinion it’s one of the best upholstery supply shops on the web. I had tons left over after doing the chair, which is good because I think I’m a nail head trim addict now. Hope it helps.

    2. Hi Brittany, Thank you, I bought a 2 lb box of nail head trim at the link below. I love that site and they have all kinds of good upholstery supply products. In my opinion it’s one of the best upholstery supply shops on the web. I had tons left over after doing the chair, which is good because I think I’m a nail head trim addict now. Hope it helps.

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