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  • I spy a DIY – #6

    Happy day after Easter everybody! I hope your weekend was festive and full of family and good food.  I know mine was! I took a couple days off to indulge in this beautiful holiday.  I hope you didn't mind. I'm itching to get back into the swing of things, finish up some projects I had to put on the back burner this last week.

    Let's start the week off with a charming project I found on Pinterest! DIY chevron pattern recycled wood planter boxes, over at 91204 – the personal blog of ZeloPhotoBlog


    Chevron boxes4-001


    I love them! They are rustic and original, and I love the creative twist on the classic chevron print.  Dez and Seth are a creative duo, sharing their photography and DIY projects on their 91204 blog for the world to see.  These chevron planter boxes are just one of their brilliant projects you'll find on their blog.

    Dez and Seth made these planter boxes out of left-over old recycled wood they had been collecting from various projects, such as crown molding, baseboard trim, old pallets, even an old bed frame.




    They added wheels to the bottom of the boxes for easy maneuvering around their backyard – so smart!


    Box with wheels2-001

    Box with wheels-001


    I also love how they lined-up like-shaped trim and wood, and mismatched the colors to add character to each side of the planter boxes.

    I SPY

    Box done2-001

    Add a beautiful avocado tree, and voila! You have yourself an adorable mobile planter! Since I am a renter in this stage in my life, this project hits right at home! I've been meaning to exercise my green thumb (or lack there of) but would need something I could take with me whenever I move. 


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