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  • the element of surprise

    I received a mysterious package in the mail Wednesday afternoon.  It was addressed to my BF but I had a sneaky suspicion it was for me.  I had lost my composure and tore into the box before realizing I should have called him first.  With popcorn strewn all over the table, I picked up my cell and dialed his number.  Here's how the convo went:

    Me: "hey babe"

    BF: "hey, whats up?"

    Me: "I think I got a package, but it's addressed to you… can I open it?"

    BF: "you already opened it, didn't you?"

    Me: "I LOVE them, thank you thank you thank you!"

    BF: "wow."

    That's pretty much the story about how these turkish copper mugs came into my life…




    My BF says I've been talking his ear off about copper things for too long.  I swear, it was only like one 15-minute convo.  Maybe he found out about my visit to Home Depot, where I wandered the plumbing aisle for an hour, touching all the copper piping and fittings.  In my defense, I was mulling over various DIY projects in which I could possibly incorporate a copper elbow fitting. 


    So, in celebration of owning a killer set of Turkish copper mugs, I whipped up a few images I found where I thought copper was best utilized.  Prepare yourself, you may start feeling like I do and want to begin hoarding all things copper.


    Copper bathroom

    Tub 3


    Copper bathtub




    Copper kitchen 2

    source 1, 2, 3

    Copper kitchen 4

    Copper kitchen 1

    Copper kitchen 3


    Copper chair


    Copper kitchen 5


    Maybe you think I'm insane, but I think copper is pretty incredible.  

    Back to the mugs.  My BF says these mugs are meant to keep me quiet tie me over until we move out, but I know deep down they're a thank you gift for sitting at the car dealership for 7 hours last saturday, on his behalf.  I like us.  We like to do nice things for each other :)


    PS: please pin from original sources, thank you!!


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