I think it’s safe to say – everyone loves the classic chevron zig-zag print. Am I wrong? Some of you may be “tired” of seeing it everywhere, and it might be approaching it’s overuse, but I don’t see it going away any time soon.
I think it’s safe to say – everyone loves the classic chevron zig-zag print. Am I wrong? Some of you may be “tired” of seeing it everywhere, and it might be approaching it’s overuse, but I don’t see it going away any time soon.
I loooooove fonts, especially FREE fonts! I know, that sounds mean and cheap, but If I had all the money I would definitely pay for fancy fonts, since someone's hard work and sweat went into creating them. I've spent hours and hours searching thousands of free fonts. More time than …
Happy Valentine's day everybody! I hope you all have special plans tonight, whether it be with your family, friends, special someone, or just kickin' it solo. I plan to cook up an all American man's meal tonight – steak & potatoes! Super original, right? Well, we actually never cook steak, …
Whaaaaaat?! Yeah, you heard right, FREE valentines! And I'm not going to make you subscribe to get them, but I would LOVE it if you would! Subscribing is super easy and free, just enter your email in the subscribe box on the right side bar. Subscribers receive my posts in …
I'm somewhat impartial to Valentine's Day. I could take it or leave it. Although, I used to loooove this day as a kid, I would spend at least 30 minutes at the supermarket picking out the best box of valentines, then even more time selecting the best candy (Reece's, Heath …