A couple days ago I let loose some mighty important personal and business goals for 2012… now its about time to commit to a few home improvement and DIY goals for the year! Who's with me? Who wants to kick some boo-tay this year and bust out some killer projects?
My #1 home goal for 2012 is to move out of our bachelor pad. Bye-bye communal living and hello privacy! We're too old to have roomies, and after many, many conversations with the BF, we're looking at a mid-year move. I can't tell you how stoked I am! We'll continue to save money living in the house he owns (with 2 other dudes), and I'll continue planning and dreaming of a new living space! Woot!
2. Re-Upholster my French Provincial Sofa
Remember the free French sofa I picked up a few months ago? Well, it's currently sitting in storage, hopefully safe from any critters. Home goal #1 must happen before I can have enough space to work on this couch. That's the plan tho, once we move I get to tackle this sofa! I find these sofas to be most inspiring…
source 1, source 2, source 3, source 4
3. Build a Headboard!
I want a headboard, like, bad. We currently sleep on a hand-me-down broken Ikea bed frame. I'm sure it was once spectacular, but it needs to go. My first instinct is to chop it up as kindling, but we'll probably end up donating it, cus that thing is NOT coming with us when we move. I've been jones-ing to build a rustic headboard, maybe out of pallet wood or reclaimed wood…
…or a fancy fabric covered headboard. Maybe I'll do both and swap them out throughout the year whenever my mood changes! JK, JK.
I've found some headboard tutorials that appear pretty basic. I would probably extend the tutorial and build a matching footboard for whatever style if my BF agrees.
You're probably thinking, only 3 goals for 2012?? What a wuss. Well, in my defense, I would LOVE to tear apart and revamp the house we live in… but unfortunately it's not my house (it belongs to the boys), and It wouldn't go over very well. Once we have our own space, I'll have goals up the yin-yang!!
I've linked up over at the Nesting Place, where the fabulous Nester is hosting this home goals party. Head on over and check it out!
Hope you get that loft…can’t wait to see pics.
Getting your own place is not exactly a small goal or for the faint of heart. That could be your only home goal and you would have a winning year!
So true!
So do I! And I’ll definitely post pics :)