Woosh! That's the sound of Christmas passing me by. One minute you're shopping, wrapping gifts, planning dinners and appetizers, driving all over creation… and the next minute… its over! Ah! Christmas has come and gone, the time flew by too quickly, and my blog got left behind. I'm so sorry, readers! If you were anticipating the next installment of My DIY Christmas, I failed, and couldn't complete the series before Christmas. I had to re-prioritize last minute, and decided spending time with friends and family was most important. I pressed pause on work, blog, and precious sleep. Unfortunately the latter caused me to get sick and lose my voice. But all is well, Christmas was a success and I put a smile on many faces this holiday. Here's a belated Merry Christmas to you!
Today is my boyfriend's birthday! Happy birthday baby! He is my best friend and he means the world to me. I will be spending my energy all day to make today special for him.
I hope everyone had a very special holiday weekend, and I'll officially be back online tomorrow!