Hey everyone! I'm still here, running around like a crazy person trying to finish up all that I have planned for Christmas… which is in 6 days! Eek! And amongst all the hustle and bustle, I'm spending the weekend in SoCal with my best friend Allison from Life of a Real Orange County Housewife. Check out her blog if you get a chance! Allison writes about family, food, fashion, home style, decorating, DIY projects, and what it's like being a real Orange County Housewife.
We're celebrating her daughter's one year birthday, catching up on life, and checking off the last few items on our Christmas shopping lists. I am so happy that I could come down and celebrate such a special moment with my close friends and their families. It truly puts me in the spirit of Christmas, sharing gifts and making memories with the people you care about most. This trip is extra special to me because I'm unable to see my close friends as frequently as I'd like, each of our lives have taken us all over California, and our busy schedules make it difficult.
The party was a huge success. Here are a few of the highlights…
Miss Morgan, sitting in the hot air balloon basket which we made from balloons and her toy basket
The birthday party was balloon themed, if you haven't noticed! These cake toppers are to die for.
Allison made these party hats out of pom pom ribbon and chevron print paper. I LOVE them!
We filled giant apothecary jars with Miss Morgan's favorite snacks, gold fishies and puffs.
The birthday cake was happily eaten by the birthday girl herself. It's such a riot watching babies eat their first birthday cake! The pictures, ooohs and aaahs were endless.
My weekend is still on for Monday! It's nice to take a vacation day here and there. I'll be back on Tuesday with the next installment of My DIY Christmas!