I always look forward to the change in seasons. I have to admit, fall is my absolute favorite season. And October? It's my favorite month, obviously. I love turning on the heater and seat warmers on my morning commute. I love driving around Sonoma on the weekends, the vineyards having turned shades of firey reds and burnt oranges.
This weekend we went to visit my BF's family in Monterey, and we all took his niece and nephew to the pumpkin patch in Carmel Valley.
These twins are so adorable! They melt my heart, and all I want to do is document their every move and expression. Do you like the headband? I'll teach you how to make it very soon!
I love love love Monterey, and I plan to devote many favorite places posts to (hopefully one day) my future home town. In the mean time, let me rave about Carmel Valley's pumpkin patch!
I love pumpkin patches these days, with the heirloom pumpkins, warped gourds, barrels of mini pumpkins, scarecrows, and corn mazes. Old school pumpkin patches, as I remember them, were filled only with orange pumpkins.
I finally found perfectly round, white pumpkins! In case you're wondering, they're called Casper Whites.
Check out these beastly looking pumpkins, all covered in warts. I bet you could carve an amazingly hideous witch with the stem as the nose.
My new favorite is this gorgeous blue pumpkin. Some even had hints of pink. Gorgeous I tell ya! Although this guy here is a little lumpy.
We hung out at this lookout spot, and gazed out into the valley. Very romantic I must say, surrounded by extraordinarily priced pumpkins for the rich Carmel folk :P Can I take home that wine barrel, please?
My BF grabbed the best looking blue pumpkin, I'm loving the contrast between the subtle blue and the dark black of the dining table.
I grabbed a darling Casper White, and I'm also loving the contrast. You can also resort to spray painting any old pumpkin with white spray paint. A week or so ago I spray painted a regular orange pumpkin in gold, which someone happened to steal from our front yard. I was so bummed!
Lastly, we picked up this sweet sugar pumpkin. I'm loving the extra long stem. We will make a pumpkin pie out of this guy, and I'll definitely share the recipe with you soon, I don't want you to miss out!
Pumpkin patches are so fun! I have to admit though, on more than one occasion I've picked up a pumpkin or two from my local Safeway or similar supermarket. It's hard not to grab one when you're there shopping. Plus, supermarket pumpkins are usually very inexpensive. But really, nothing beats your local pumpkin patch. I find it very rewarding to support local farmers and businesses, and there's nothing more nostalgic and personal than visiting your local pumpkin patch. With that said, I encourage you to take a trip out to a pumpkin patch in your area.