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  • A Relaxing Birthday Weekend

    Anyone feeling a case of the Monday blues? It's month & quarter close for me, so I don't have much time to feel blue today. Gotta close the books!

    I had a great weekend, It was my birthday on Saturday and it officially feels like Fall! I'm not one to hide and cower when it's my birthday, I think everyone should celebrate their day, to feel special and thankful they get to talk to everyone they love and care about. I understand birthdays are different for everyone, but I especially like that 10/1 is my day!


    My BF surprised me by taking me to an adorable restaurant, Lark Creek in Walnut Creek. They serve an eclectic mix of American food, although I ordered paella. It was sooo yummy, it melted in my mouth. They have a fantastic wine list, but a little pricey so we decided to bring a bottle of our favorite Jacuzzi wine.


    Lark creek


    My BF has no hesitation to try new places. I usually hesitate for fear I wont like the menu, that I prefer to spend our money on something I know we do like.  We don't go out to eat often, which makes a birthday dinner much more special than any regular night out.  I also must say, I'm glad he surprised me with a new place. I will definitely add this to my list of restaurants I recommend.

    We chose an apple tart for dessert.  It didn't last long! we ate it before I thought to take a decent picture. 




    Horrible photo quality, I do apologize.  I admit, I'm not comfortable enough handing over my SLR to a stranger to take a pic.  I've read horror stories of strangers dropping cameras, and I'm not about to let that happen! Here we are, right after we scarfed the apple tart.




    Recognize my necklace? It's the chandy necklace I made last week! And you can't see from this photo, but I'm wearing a bracelet my BF gave me earlier that evening for my birthday. It's a Stella & Dot bracelet I had mentioned to him a while back, and he remembered!

    Bracelet  B110g_1_1




















    The big gift is a trip to Vegas.  My BF and I are going with his family to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.  We will be spending our time at the pool and at the Venetian eating gelato and gazing up at the decivingly realistic sky-painted ceiling. 


     image via Google


    Ta ta for now!

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