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  • The Rattle Can Cure

    Happy Monday everyone! I had a record breaking, uber productive weekend at home.  I went on a 10 mile run in 80 degree weather (ouch, still sore), washed and waxed my incredibly dirty car, spent some time with family, and busted out the finishing touches on a long and drawn out project, which I will reveal to you very very soon.  I'm so stoked to share with you the before and after shots, they're quite impressive.

    My brain has been on DIY project overdrive since I started this blog, and I'm just so incredibly motivated and excited about what to share or write about next.  I'm in and out of thrift stores, browsing Pinterest all night, I have paint splotches on my PJs and my fingers, I've ran out of room in the garage to store future projects, and now I own power tools I never thought I'd use. Please, tell me you know how I feel!

    I don't have all the time to stalk thrift stores for all the goodies, I also don't have all the money to spend on all the big pieces of furniture I fall in love with… so I'm forced to be picky.  I think I'm developing a nervous twitch, it's been a few weeks since I've scored something amazing and I feel this need to transform something right-this-very-minute. 

    So, while I'm between big weekend projects and long days at the office, I've concocted the perfect prescription to satisfy the need to redecorate and transform, and I call it the rattle can cure!

    I picked up this wooden owl at Ross for like $6. He's ugly, a little cute, but mostly ugly.  Recently I was pining over something owl, so when I spotted this guy it was love at first sight and I saw major potential beyond his rugged and somewhat creepy exterior…




    Let his transformation begin! First, a coat of primer



    Second, a couple layers of RustOleum's glossy white enamel spray paint… (sorry, no picture of the can)



    Cured! Keep scrolling, you'll see the final collaboration at the end :) 

    For a touch of autumn, how about this grapevine pumpkin from Target in the dollar section? It certainly has its raw appeal, but what about dressing it in gold? I say yes ma'am!



    Now I know you've seen these brass candle holders at your local Goodwill.  People think they're junk, then they turn around and buy the white or black wood, plastic, or enamel candle holders at Pottery Barn, West Elm, Cost Plus or Crate and Barrel for $20-$40 a piece.  Why spend all that money when you can buy these for $5 and rattle can them?




    Primer first! Then two coats of RustOleum's glossy white enamel spray paint…(spray paint can also not pictured, gah!)



    Ta Da! I decided to combine all three pieces and update the drab side table in our entry. I'm really impressed with the enamel spray paint. I had the glossy enamel look in mind, but was unsure if the spray paint would work.  This paint is certainly glossier and more durable than 'regular' spray paint.  I used the paint on both the owl and the candle holders, and it produced the exact look I was going for – firm, glossy, polished, glazed.  The only downside is the paint is very thick going on and takes much, much longer to dry. I guess that's my impatience talking.



    A perfect example of the rattle can cure! Collect a few home accessory rejects, thrift store finds, or clearance items, and spray paint them into new life! Spray paint to redecorate, put your finger to the rattle can, and believe me you'll be surprised what a little spray paint can do to spruce up your home.

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