Hey friends! Last week was sooo busy, between work, moving my sister out of her apartment, moving my stuff out of storage, and planning the ultimate garage sale, zero time was left to share things with you. Thankfully my life is back on track now and I can catch up where I left off.
How do you plan the ultimate garage sale? Well, first, you have to want to get rid of everything. Check this out –
That's my entire living room, kids, although, it was never that messy.
We had 3 families participate in the garage sale, I posted up on the lawn, my uncle took the giant tarp and laid out his daughters' outgrown clothes, and my step-dad manned the driveway with an an array of items, from Perry scaffolding to Barbies to classic Disney VHS's, which were so difficult to see being sold! We LOVE our Disney classics: Aladdin, Lion King, Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, The Rescuers Down Under, Beauty and the Beast! Aaah the nostalgia! We were so successful at drawing in the crowds with our set-up, especially an entire living room? People were so intrigued at the set-up they just had to swing by.
We positioned the large items in front, and created a boarder at the back out of poles and ladders where we displayed the nicer clothes like dresses and suits and costumes. You can see what I'm talking about here:
The pole/ladder boarder was a great way to keep people from getting too close to the front door.
Are you curious why I sold my entire living room? Well, now I live with my boyfriend in a furnished house and no longer need to store this stuff or spend money for monthly storage. If he and I ever get our own place, guarantee we will want new furniture, and not from Ikea. This was the more economical decision. Also, sometimes it's just nice to get rid of STUFF.
I have 4 basic tips for a successful garage sale:
- Location is important. If you're throwing a garage sale with multiple families, pick the house that will guarantee more traffic. In our case we threw our garage sale on one of the busiest streets in the town.
- Don't sell yourself short. Decide on a minimum amount you'd sell a specific item (usually higher-end items), for example If you're set on selling your Perry scaffolding for $300 knowing that price is already a killer deal, stick to it. Don't sell yourself short by dropping the price just because the right buyer didn't swing by your garage sale.
- Don't be afraid to refuse people if they undercut your price. Tell them to come back this afternoon, and if it's still available maybe you'll entertain a lower price.
- Refuse to bring anything back inside. What you bring outside to sell should go, and if it doesn't sell, take it to your local Goodwill. Although there are exceptions to this rule, but it's a great rule to follow if you want to get-rid-of-everything.
Our garage sale was so successful we're thinking of doing it again in a couple weeks. I certainly have more stuff I'd like to get-rid-of, as well as the other people that participated. We can't wait!
Have any garage sale tips or experiences? Please, do share!