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  • Linen Closet Mini-Makeover

    We have this lame linen closet in the teeny-tiny hallway by our bathroom, and trust me when I say, it is sincerely lame.  I swear, the closet must have been forgotten about when the prior owners were renovating the house. This closet has no shelves, only a short pole for hanging jackets or sweaters.  Why would I hang jackets in the only linen closet in the house? Where do we put our towels? Tell me, linen closet,

    Ragecomic_3Hehe. Let me show you what I mean:


    Ugly right? Where are my hand towels? Why are the sheets at the bottom of the pile? UUGH! Oh, and can you see the shelves on the left? Yeah, that was our one roommate's half-attempt of shelves last year.  Let's just say he hacked up some pieces of pre-primed plywood and shoved them in the closet.  'Shelves, there ya go." Funny right?

    Well, last night I couldn't take it anymore and decided it was about time I did something.  Obviously the boys in the house could care less about organizing the linen closet, they're set as long as the toilet paper is on top and easy to reach!

    First, I grabbed my tools: 2" nails, hammer, flat-head screw driver, tape measure, and a level. I don't know why I grabbed the screw driver, but there you go.  


    Then, I pulled everything out of the closet and I measured and marked where I wanted the shelves by first measuring ~1ft down from the top for the top shelf, and about 1ft apart for the next 2 shelves.  I measured the length of the inner walls and noticed the drywall was uneven on the right side, about an inch, which meant the shelf-supports would be different lengths for the left and right sides.  I measured and marked 3 lengths on the left, and 3 on the right, then took a couple pieces of 1"x2"x6' primed plywood and cut the lengths I needed with a hand saw.  Unfortunately I don't yet own a fancy saw.. so I went old school. After cutting the lengths of the supports I needed, I took my hammer and nails and nailed them in place, about 3 nails in each support.  Here's what it looked like after all supports were in place:  


    I confess, I cheated and used the shelves our roommate had previously cut since they fit fairly well, and placed them atop the supports:

    And after some quick folding and organizing…


    It's wonderful! Shelves for the boy towels and the toilet paper! Shelves for the girlie sheets and other girlie things! I call this a mini-make-over because I cheated with the plywood my roommate cut last year.  I also because this closet is full of boy things and actually not that pretty.  If I had done a full makeover… let's just say those towels would be out.  And for the full effect…..



    I'm so happy to finally have shelves!

    1. OMG! What a great job you did! I am clapping for your motivation to get it done, and the neat clean look you’ve given it. Well done!

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